This section provides a complete listing of all Rhodes publication since 1970. This bibliography updated annually.
There are currently no published works for this year
There are currently no published works for this year
There are currently no published works for this year
Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘Es tiempo de tomar seriamente a las narrativas de historias’, Cuadernos del CEDEOP (Centro De Estudios Del Estado Y Las Organizaciones Públicas) Nº 7 Año 1 | 8 de Abril 2022, pp. 1-23. (Buenos Aires: Universidad De Buenos Aires, Facultad De Ciencias Económicas). Traducción del evento realizada por la Lic. Luz V. Piraíno Martínez
Rhodes, R. A. W. and Erik-Jan Van Dorp, ‘’How “Weak” Prime Ministers Gain Influence: Developments in Executive Politics in The Netherlands’, In Kristoffer Kolltveit and Richard Shaw (Eds.) Core Executives in a Comparative Perspective: Governing in Complex Times. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-208
Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘Court Politics in the Age of Austerity’. In Kristoffer Kolltveit and Richard Shaw (Eds.) Core Executives in a Comparative Perspective: Governing in Complex Times. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan pp. 79-121. ISBN 978-3-030-94502-2
Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘Court Politics: from metaphor to theory’. In Kristoffer Kolltveit and Richard Shaw (Eds.) Core Executives in a Comparative Perspective: Governing in Complex Times. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 53-76
Rhodes, R. A. W. (2022). ‘A long and winding road: 25 years as editor.’ Public Administration, 100 (1), 6–11. 100th Anniversary Issue
Bevir, M., & Rhodes, R. A. W. (2022). ‘All you need is … a network: The rise of interpretive public administration’. Public Administration, 100 (1), 149–160.100th Anniversary Issue
Flinders, M., Judge, D., Rhodes, R., & Vatter, A. (2022). ‘Stretched but not Snapped’: A Response to Russell and Serban on Retiring the ‘Westminster Model’. Government and Opposition, 57 (2): 353-369
Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘Blurring Genres: A Personal Narrative about University Management’, New Area Studies 2 (1) 2021: 225-55
Boswell, J., Corbett, J. Rhodes, R. A. W. and Salomonsen H. H. ‘The comparative “court politics” of Covid-19: explaining government responses to the pandemic’, Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (8) 2021, 1258-1277
Rhodes, R. A. W., ‘Beyond the New Public Governance’, in, Podger, Andrew and Althaus, Catherine (Eds.) Politics, Policy and Public Administration in Theory and Practice: Essays in Honour of Professor John Wanna. Canberra: ANU Press, 2021 pp. 235-61
Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘Autoethnography and Political Studies, in Hodgett, Susan and Rhodes R. A. W. (Eds.) What Political Science can learn from the Humanities: Blurring Genres. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021: pp. 107-28
Rhodes, R. A. W. and Susan Hodgett, ‘Blurring Genres: An Agenda for Political Studies’, in Hodgett, Susan and Rhodes R. A. W. (Eds.) What Political Science can learn from the Humanities: Blurring Genres Palgrave Macmillan, 2021: pp. 1-29
Rhodes R. A. W. and Hodgett, Susan (Eds.) What Political Science can learn from the Humanities: Blurring Genres. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Rhodes R. A. W. and Salomonsen H. H. (2021) ‘Duopoly, court politics and the Danish core executive’. Public Administration 99 (1) 2021:72–86
Grube, D., Rhodes, R. A. W. Rhodes and Weller, P. Behind the Cabinet Door: dilemmas of collective government. Oxford: Oxford University Press
[英]R.A.W. Rhodes 著.理解治理:政策网络、治理、反思与问责[M].丁煌,丁方达,译.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2020.Chinese edition of Understanding Governance. (Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1997, Reprinted 1999. London: McGraw Hill, Reprinted 2001, 2003 (2), 2008 and 2010). Publisher: Renmin University Press.
Rhodes, R. A. W. and Corbett, J. ‘Ethnographic Approaches’, in Rudy B. Andeweg, Robert Elgie, Ludger Helms, Juliet Kaarbo and Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. Oxford: Oxford University, pp. 110-29
Rhodes, R.A. W. ‘Public Administration, the Interpretive Turn and Storytelling’, in A, Massey (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Public Administration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, pp. 12-27. Paperback edition 2020
Boswell, J., Corbett, J., Flinders, M., Jennings, W., Rhodes, R.A.W., and Wood, M., ‘What Can Political Ethnography Tell Us About Anti-Politics and Democratic Disaffection?’ European Journal of Political Research 58 (1) 2019: 56-71
Rhodes, R.A. W., Boswell and J. Corbett The Art and Craft of Comparison. (Strategies for Social Inquiry Series). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hardback and eBook October 2019
Rhodes, R. A. W and Jenny Fleming ‘Can Experience be Evidence? Craft Knowledge and Evidence-Based Policing’, Policy & Politics, 45 (1) January 2018: 3-26
Geddes, M. and Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘Towards an Interpretive Parliamentary Studies’, in Jennifer Brichzin, Damien Krichewsky, Leopold Ringel, and Jan Schank (Eds.) The Sociology of Parliaments. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 87-107
Rhodes, R. A. W. ‘What is Decentred Analysis? In Rhodes, R. A. W. (Ed.) Narrative Policy Analysis: Cases in Decentring Policy. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 1-21
Rhodes, R. A. W. (Ed.) Narrative Policy Analysis: Cases in Decentring Policy. London: Palgrave-Macmillan
R. A. W. Rhodes, Interpretive Political Science. Selected Essays, Volume II. Oxford: Oxford University Press
R. A. W. Rhodes, Network Governance and the Differentiated Polity. Selected Essays, Volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press
‘ “Understanding Governance”: 20 years on’ 领导科学论坛·国家治理评论 2017 (English translation: National Governance Review. The Forum of Leadership Science).
Jenny Fleming and R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Can Experience be Evidence? Craft Knowledge and Evidence-Based Policing’, Policy & Politics, 2017.
R. A. W. Rhodes, Interpretive Political Science. Selected Essays. Volume II, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
R. A. W. Rhodes, Networks, Governance and the Differentiated Polity. Selected Essays. Volume I. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
Public Sector Reform; Policy Analysis as Narrative – Telling Stories’, workshop for the Cabinet Office, 18 November 2016, Admiralty House, Whitehall, London.
R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Public sector reform: an interpretive analysis’ in Sandra Groeneveld and Steven Van de Walle (Eds.), Perspectives on Public Sector Reform. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management, 2016: 114-28.
Mark Bevir and R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Interpreting British Governance: ten years on’, in N. Turnbull (Ed.) Interpreting Governance, High Politics and Public Policy: Essays commemorating Interpreting British Governance. New York: Routledge, Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy, 2016: pp. 195-208.
R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Executive Governance: an interpretive approach’, in N. Turnbull (Ed.), Interpreting Governance, High Politics and Public Policy: Essays commemorating Interpreting British Governance. New York: Routledge, Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy, 2016: pp. 79-96.
Rhodes, R. A. W Mark Bevir, ‘The “3Rs” in rethinking governance: ruling, rationalities, and resistance’, in Mark Bevir & R. A. W. Rhodes, Rethinking Governance: ruling rationalities and resistance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Studies in Governance and Public Policy, 2016, pp. 1-21.
R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Local Knowledge’ in Mark Bevir & R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Rethinking Governance: Ruling, Rationalities and Resistance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Studies in Governance and Public Policy, 2016, pp. 198-215.
Rhodes, R. A. W and Mark Bevir (Eds.) Rethinking Governance: ruling rationalities and resistance Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2016.
Rhodes R.A.W. ‘Understanding Governance: 20 Years On’, ‘领导科学论坛·国家治理评论’ (丁煌 translator) National Governance Review 5: 2016: 5-17.
R. A. W. Rhodes and Anne Tiernan, ‘Court Politics in a Federal Polity’, Australian Journal of Political Science 51 (2) 2016: 338-54.
R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Recovering The Craft of Public Administration’, Public Administration Review 76 (4) 2016: 638–647. DOI: 10.1111/puar.12504.
Everyday Life in British Government (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Kindle digital edition 2011. Corrected paperback edition 2015.
(With Mark Bevir), The State as Cultural Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Kindle digital edition 2010. Paperback edition 2015.
Rhodes, R. A. W., John Wanna, and Patrick Weller .[ ウェストミンスター政治の比較研究: レイプハルト理論・新制度論へのオルターナティヴ:Hikaku Westminster Seiji-Kenkyu]. Translated by:Masahiro Kobori and Masatoshi. Kyoto: Horitsu-Bunka-sha 2015, pp. 1-307 Available@: . Revised English title: ‘Comparing Westminster: Alternatives to Lijphart and neo-Institutionalism’. . Originally published by Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009.
罗茨著 R. A. W, ‘王宇颖译. 如何管理政策网络?’[J]. 中国行政管理, (11`) 2015. English title: ‘How to Manage Your Policy Network’ Chinese Public Administration Review.
Review of Eule, Tobias G. (2014). Inside Immigration Law. Migration Management and Policy Application in Germany. (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing) in Critical Policy Studies 9 (3) 2015: 1-3.
and Anne Tiernan ‘Focus Groups as Ethnography: the case of Prime Ministers’ Chiefs of Staff’ Journal of Organizational Ethnography 4 (2) 2015: 208-22.
(with Karen Boll), ‘Guest Editorial: Excursions in Administrative Ethnography’, Journal of Organizational Ethnography 4 (2) 2015:
(with Karen Boll) (Eds.), ‘Excursions in Administrative Ethnography’, special issue of the Journal of Organizational Ethnography 4 (2) 2015.
Ethnography’, in Mark Bevir and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 171-85.
Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R. A. W (2015, ‘Interpretive Political Science: Mapping the Field’, in M. Bevir and R. A. W. Rhodes Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 3-27.
(Jt. Editor with Mark Bevir) The Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2015.
Rhodes, R. A. W. and A Tiernan (2014). ‘Executive Governance’, in Andrew Massey and Karen Miller (Eds.), International Handbook of Public Administration and Governance. Chelmsford: Edward Elgar, 81-103.
(And Anne Tiernan), ‘Prime Ministers’ Chiefs of Staff: Coping with Wild Treachery and Weirdness’. In D. Alexander and J. Lewis (Eds.), Making Public Policy Decisions: Expertise, skills and experience. Abingdon: Oxon: Routledge. 2015: 146-65
‘Recovering the craft’ Public Administration Today No. 41, January-March 2015: 42-6.
R. A. W. Rhodes and Paul ‘t Hart (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014.
Rhodes, R. A. W. and A Tiernan, Lessons of Governing: A Profile of Prime Ministers’ Chiefs Of Staff. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2014).
‘Recovering the craft of public administration’, Participation 38 (1) December 2014: 11-14
‘So you want to reform the civil service’, in Kimberley Trewhitt et al. (Eds.) How to Run a Country: the reform of public governance (London: Reform), pp. 103-8.
‘Genre blurring in public administration: what can we learn from the humanities?’ Australian Journal of Public Administration, 73 (4) 2014: 317-30.
‘From Core Executives to Court Politics’, in Glyn Davis and R. A. W. Rhodes (eds.), The Craft of Governing: The Contribution of Patrick Weller to Australian political science. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin 2014: 53-72.
Glyn Davis and R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘An Historian Encounters History’, in Glyn Davis and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), The Craft of Governing: The Contribution of Patrick Weller to Australian political science. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin 2014: 11-30.
Glyn Davis and R. A. W. Rhodes, ‘Remembering and Witnessing’, in Glyn Davis and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), The Craft of Governing: The Contribution of Patrick Weller to Australian political science. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin 2014: 3-10.
Glyn Davis and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), The Craft of Governing: The Contribution of Patrick Weller to Australian political science. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin: 2014.
Rhodes, R. A. W. and A Tiernan, The Gatekeepers (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press 2014).
Rhodes, R. A. W. and A Tiernan. Lessons of Governing: A Profile of Prime Ministers’ Chiefs Of Staff. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press 2014).
R. A. W. Rhodes and Paul ‘t Hart, ‘Puzzles of Political Leadership’, in R. A. W. Rhodes and Paul ‘t Hart (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014: 1-21.
‘Public Administration’, in R. A. W. Rhodes and Paul ‘t Hart (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014: 101-16.
R. A. W. Rhodes and Paul ‘t Hart (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014.
(And Mark Bevir), ‘Three Visions of Context as History’
in C. Pollitt (Ed.), Context in Public Policy and Management: The Missing Link? Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 55-73.
(And Fiona Mackay) ‘Gender, Greedy Institutions and the Departmental Court’
Public Administration Volume 91, 2013. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12012.
‘Political anthropology and public policy: prospects and limits’
Policy and Politics, 41 (3) October 2013. DOI:
‘From Prime Ministerial Leadership to Court Politics’
In Paul Strangio, Paul ‘t Hart and James Walter (Eds.), Prime Ministerial Leadership: power, party and performance in Westminster system. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 318-33.
‘Waves of governance’
In David Levi-Faur (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Governance Oxford: Oxford University Press, 33-48
Theory, method and British political ‘life history’
Political Studies Review 10 (1) 2012: 161–176
Interpretivism and the analysis of traditions and practices
Bevir, Mark and Rhodes, R. A. W.
Critical Policy Studies 6 (2) 2012: 201-208.
The stateless state
(with Mark Bevir) in M. Bevir, Ed., The Sage Handbook of Governance. Thousand Oaks, Ca.:Sage, 2011: 203-17.
Everyday life in British government
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Kindle digital edition 2011
Public Administration: 25 years of analysis and debate, 1986-2011
Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, Paperback, 2011
From Local Government to Narratives: Essays in Honour of R. A. W. Rhodes, Editor, Public Administration, 1986 to 2010
(Festschrift) Weller, P. (Ed.,) 2011, Special issue of Public Administration 89 (1): 1–219.
One-way, two-way or dead end street: the British influence on American public administration
Public Administration Review, 71 (4) July/August 2011: 559-71
Thinking on: I was so much older then
Public Administration 89 (1) 2011: 196-219
Afterword; waves of governance
In R. A. W. Rhodes, Ed., Public Administration: 25 years of analysis and debate, 1986-2011. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011: 56-58
Yesterday when I was young
In R. A. W. Rhodes, Ed., Public Administration: 25 years of analysis and debate, 1986-2011. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011: 1-16
The State as Cultural Practice
(With Mark Bevir), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Kindle digital edition 2010
Storytelling, protocols and rituals: managing a ministerial resignation
keynote address to the Public Policy Network Conference, ‘Policy making in turbulent times’, University of Tasmania, 27-29 January 2010
Public administration
in G Bouckaert and W. van der Donk, Eds., European Group for Public Administration (1975-2010): perspectives for the future. Bruxelles: Bruylant: 17, and 26-30
Traditions in the study of Australian politics
paper to the PSA 60th Anniversary Conference, University of Edinburgh, 29-1 April 2010
The Australian study of politics
Australian Political Studies Association annual conference, University of Melbourne, September 2010
Public Administration 88 2010
Comparing Westminster
(With J. Wanna and P. Weller), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Kindle digital edition 2009. Paperback edition 2011
The Australian Study of Politics
Editor, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan
La governance in Gran Bretagna
Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R. A. W. 2009, Confronti Number 1, nuova serie gennaio, aprile, pp. 125-140. Reprint of ‘Interpretive Approaches to British Government and Politics’, British Politics, 1(1) 2006: 1-29
From private office to departmental court
Public Money and Management 29 (3) 2009: 191-4.
Bringing the Politics Back In
(And John Wanna), Public Administration, 87 (2) 2009: 161-83
Old institutionalisms: an overview
In Robert E Goodin, Ed., The Oxford Reprinted from R. A. W. Rhodes, S. Binder and B. Rockman (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006): 90-118
Scenes from the departmental court
Public Policy and Administration 24 (4) 2009: 437-56
In search of Australian political science
in R. A. W. Rhodes, (Ed.), The Australian Study of Politics. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan 2009, pp. 1-15
The Core Executive
(And John Wanna),in R. A. W. Rhodes, (Ed.), The Australian Study of Politics. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan 2009, pp. 119-30
In Search of Australian Political Science
paper to the Roundtable on ‘Interpretation and meaning in political analysis: an international review’, at the 59th Political Studies Association Annual Conference, ‘Challenges for Democracy in a Global Era’, 7 – 9 April 2009, The Manchester Conference Centre, University of Manchester.
Ministers, courts and advice
paper to the third annual ANU Public Leadership Workshop, University House, Canberra 26-27 November 2007
Public Administration 87
Editor, 2009 pp
Reinventing Westminster – How Public Executives Reframe Their World
(And John Wanna and P. Weller), Policy and Politics 36 (4) 2008: 461-79
Politics as Cultural Practice
(And Mark Bevir), Political Studies Review 6 (2) 2008: 170-77
The differentiated polity as narrative
(And Mark Bevir), British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10 (4) 2008: 729–734
The Limits to Public Value, or Rescuing Responsible Government from the Platonic Guardians
2008 winner of the Sam Richardson Prize for the best article published in the Australian Journal of Public Administration in 2007. R A W Rhodes and John Wanna
Stairways to Heaven: a reply to Alford
(And John Wanna), Australian Journal of Public Administration 67 (3) 2008: 267-70. (12) ‘Public Administration in the Digital Age’, Public Administration 86 (1): 1-4
Public Administration in the Digital Age
Public Administration 86 (1): 1-4
In P. Cain and J. Conaghan (Eds.). The New Oxford Companion to Law. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008): 506-7
Scenes from the departmental court
The Frank Stacey Memorial Lecture delivered at the PAC Annual Conference, ‘New Directions in the Theory and Practice of Public Administration’, Alcuin College, University of York, 1st to 3rd September 2008
The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions
(With S. Binder and B. Rockman) (Eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, hardback 2006, paperback edition 2008
Public Administration 86 2008
Editor, Pp. 1150
Traditions of Political Science in Contemporary Britain
(And Mark Bevir), in Robert Adcock, Mark Bevir and Shannon Stimson (Eds.) Modern Political Science: Anglo-American Approaches to a Historical Political Science since 1880 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007): 234-58
The New Governance: governing without Government
in M. Bevir (Ed), Public Governance. Volume 1. Theories of Governance. (London: Sage, 2007): 1-19. Reprinted from Political Studies, 44, 1996: 652-67
It’s the mix that matters: from marketisation to diplomacy
in M. Bevir (Ed), Public Governance. Volume 3. Public Policy. (London: Sage, 2007): 139-60. Reprinted from Australian Journal of Public Administration, 56 1997: 40-53
Blair and Governance
in R. Koch and J. Dixon (Eds.), Public Governance and Leadership. Political and Managerial Problems in Making Public Governance Changes (Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 2007): 95-116
Decentred Theory, Change and Network Governance
Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R. A. W, in Anders Berg-Sørensen, Eva Sørensen and Jacob Torfing (Eds.), Democratic Theories of Network Governance (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, hardback 2007, paperback edition 2008.): 77-91
Understanding Governance: ten years on
Organization Studies, 28 (8) 2007: 1243-1264
Policy Networks
in Brian Galligan and and Winsome Roberts (Eds.), The Oxford Companion to Australian Politics. (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2007): 406-7
Observing Government Elites: up close and personal
(and Paul ‘t Hart, Mirko Noordegraaf ) (Eds.), Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. Pp. 245
Introduction: being there in everyday’ life
(And Paul ‘t Hart and M. Noordegraaf), in R. A. W. Rhodes, Paul ‘t Hart and M. Noordegraaf) (Eds.), The Ethnography of Government Elites: up close and personal. (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007): 1-17
So What? The prospects and pitfalls of being there
(And Paul ‘t Hart and M. Noordegraaf), in R. A. W. Rhodes, Paul ‘t Hart and M. Noordegraaf) (Eds.), The Ethnography of Government Elites: up close and personal. (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007): 206-33
The Everyday Life of a Minister: a confessional and impressionist tale
in R. A. W. Rhodes, Paul ‘t Hart and M. Noordegraaf) (Eds.), The Ethnography of Government Elites: up close and personal. (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007): 21-50. (And Mark Bevir), Governance Stories (London: Routledge, paperback edition, 2007)
The Limits to Public Value, or Rescuing Responsible Government from the Platonic Guardians
(And John Wanna), Australian Journal of Public Administration 66 (4) 2007: 406-421
Central government
(And Paul Fawcett), in Anthony Seldon (Ed.), Blair’s Britain 1994-2007. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2007): 79-103
Australian Political Science: Journal and Publisher Rankings
(With Margaret Hamilton), paper to the APSA Annual Conference, Monash University, 24-26 September 2007. Revised version available @:
Reinventing Westminster – How Public Executives Reframe TheirWorld
paper to the conference on ‘Australia under Construction: nation building in Australia – past present future’, Australian National University, 12-14 December 2007. Available at:
Annual Report 2005
(And Bill Jenkins and Walter Kickert), Public Administration 85(4): 1145-52
Public Administration 85 2007
Editor, Pp. 1189
Governance Stories
(And Mark Bevir), London: Routledge 2006
The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions
(With S. Binder and B. Rockman) (Eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). Pp. 816
Interpretive Approaches to British Government and Politics
(And Mark Bevir), British Politics 1(1) 2006: 1-29
Defending Interpretation
(And Mark Bevir), European Political Science 5(1): 69-83
Prime ministers, Presidentialism and Westminster Smokescreens
(And Mark Bevir), Political Studies, 54(4) 2006: 671-90
The Life, Death and Resurrection of Governance
(And Mark Bevir), Australian Journal of Public Administration, 65(2) 2006: 59-69
Disaggregating Structures as an Agenda for Critical Realism: A reply to McAnulla
(And Mark Bevir), British Politics, 1(3) 2006: 397-403
La nueva gobernanza: gobernar sin gobierno
in Agusti Cerrillo i Martinez (Coordinator), La Gobernanza Hoy: 10 Textos de Referencia (Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Administraciόn Pública, 2005): 99-122. Reprinted from: Political Studies 44 1996: 652-67
The Court Politics of the Blair Presidency
in K. Walsh (Ed.), Democratic Experiments. Lectures in the Senate Occasional Lecture Series 2004-5. Papers on Parliament Number 44. Parliament House, Canberra: Department of the Senate, January 2006: 67-90. (7) (and Sarah Binder and Bert Rockman) ‘Preface’, in R. A. W. Rhodes, S. Binder and B. Rockman (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006): xv-xx
Old Institutionalisms
in R. A. W. Rhodes, S. Binder and B. Rockman) (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006): 90-118
Executive government in Parliamentary Systems
in R. A. W. Rhodes, S. Binder and B. Rockman) (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006): 324-45
Policy Network Analysis
In M. Moran, M. Rein and R. E. Goodin (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006: 423-45
The sour laws of network governance
in Jenny Fleming and Jennifer Wood (Eds.), Fighting Crime Together. The challenges of policing and security networks. (Sydney: UNSW Press 2006): 15-34
Expanding the repertoire: theory, method and language in political biography
In T. Arklay and J. Nethercote, Eds., Australian Political Lives. Chronicling political careers and administrative histories. (Canberra: Australian National University E Press, 2006 ): 43-9
in Governantlasalut, 1 (1) 2006: 9
The everday life of a minister: a confessional and impressionist tale
Paper presented to the Workshop on ‘The ethnography of government elites’, Utrecht School of Governance, University of Utrecht, 23-25 March 2006; the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom Annual Conference, University of Reading, 3-5 April 2006; and the Australasian Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Newcastle, 27-29 September 2006
Annual Report 2005
(and Bill Jenkins and Walter Kickert), Public Administration 84(4): 1077-83
Public Administration 84 2006
Editor, Pp. 112
Is Westminster dead in Westminster (and why should we care)?
Inaugural lecture in the ANZSOG-ANU Public Lecture series, The Shine Dome, Academy of Science, Canberra, 23 February 2005. The lecture was taped by ABC Radio National and rebroadcast on ‘Background Briefing’, March 2005. The full text is available at: Also presented as a seminar paper for PoSSeM, Aston Business School, 19 April 2005
Exposing the Myth of Westminster Rule
Canberra Sunday Times, 27 February 2005: 31. (Attributed paraphrase of ANZSOG Inaugural lecture by Paul Malone)
End of an Era
The Public Sector Informant, March 2005: 10-11
Everyday life in a ministry: Public administration as anthropology
American Review of Public Administration, 35 (1) 2005: 3-26
Presidents, barons, court politics and Tony Blair.
Paper to the panel on ‘Interpreting British Politics’ at the Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 4-6 April 2005
Public administration as anthropology
Public Lecture, Aston Business School, 20 April 2005; and seminar for the Institute of Governance and Public Management, Warwick Business School, 22 April 2005
The Life, Death and Resurrection of Governance
Paper to the School of Public Administration, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 26 April 2005; and to the ‘Workshop on Theories of Democratic Network Governance’, Roskilde University, 28-29 April 2005
Mapping Research Agendas With Government: Surveys, Priorities and Future Needs
(And J. Wanna and S. Hanson), Australian Journal of Public Administration, 64 (1): 3-7
Interpretation and Its Others
(And Mark Bevir), Australian Journal of Political Science 40 (2) 2005: 169-87
Review of L. Salamon (Ed.) The Tools of Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
Public Administration 83 (1) 2005: 247-8
Westminster Transplanted and Westminster Implanted: Explanations for Political Change
(And P. Weller), in J. Wanna and P. Weller (Eds.). Westminster Legacies: Democracy and Responsible Government in Asia, Australasia and the Pacific. (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2005): 1-12
The Westminster Model As Tradition: The Case Of Australia
in J. Wanna and P. Weller (Eds.). Westminster Legacies: Democracy and Responsible Government in Asia, Australasia and the Pacific. (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2005): 129-52
Bureaucracy, Contracts and Networks: The Unholy Trinity and The Police
(And Jenny Fleming), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 38 (2), 2005: 192 – 205
he Hollowing Out of the State
in R. Hodges (Ed.), Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy: governance and the public sector. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2006: 3-16. Reprinted from Political Quarterly (65) 1994: 138-51
The Unholy Trinity And Network Governance
Lecture in the Blake Dawson and Waldron/Australian National University Public Lecture series, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 23 August 2005
The Rhode to political success
interview in Aston Aspect, May 2005: 4
The unholy trinity, network governance and the police
paper for the Security 21, the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and the National Institute of Social Sciences and Law Workshop on Security, Networks and Democracy, Australian National University, 23-24 June 2005
Interpretation and Its Others’, and ‘Everyday Life in a Government Ministry’
(And Mark Bevir), papers to the Workshop on the ‘The New Governance’, Centre for British Studies and the Institute of Governmental Studies, University Of Berkeley, California, 1 November 2005. Available at:
Review of Vernon Bogdanor (Ed.), ‘The British Constitution in the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2003’
Public Administration 83 (3) 2005: 760-62
The Court Politics of the Blair Presidency
Senate Occasional Lecture, The Theatre, Parliament House, 27 June 2005
Annual Report 2004
(And Bill Jenkins and Walter Kickert), Public Administration 82 (4) 2005: 951-6
Public Administration 83 2005
Editor, Pp. 997
Interpreting British Governance
(And Mark Bevir), British Journal of Politics and International Relations 6 2004: 2-8
Interpretation as Method, Explanation and critique
(And Mark Bevir), British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 6 2004: 28-36
Alternatives and Opportunities
(And John Wanna), paper to the Conference on the ARC and ANZSOG Networks, University House, ANU, 17-18 February 2004
Developing A Public Governance Stream
paper to the Governance Network Workshop, University House, ANU, 23-24 February 2004
Bureaucracy, Contracts And Networks: The Unholy Trinity And The Police
(And Jenny Fleming), paper th the PSA Annual Conference, University of Lincoln, 6-9 April 2004. Available at: . Also a seminar paper for Policy Studies and Service Management Group, Aston Business School, 21 April 2005.
It’s situational: the dilemmas of police governance in the 21st Century
(And Jenny Fleming), Paper to the Australasian Political Studies Association, Adelaide, 29 September-1 October 20042004
Interpretation and Its Others
(And Mark Bevir), Paper to the American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, 1-3 September 2004; and the Australasian Political Studies Association, University of Adelaide, 29 September – 1 October 2004
Towards a Post Modern Public Administration: Epoch, Epistemology or Narrative?
in Bill Jenkins and Edward C. Page (eds), The Foundations of Bureaucracy in Economic and Social Thought. Volume I. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004): 597-621. Reprinted from Understanding Governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity, and Accountability, (Buckingham: Open University Press): 180-200
It’s the mix that matters: from marketisation to diplomacy
in Bill Jenkins and Edward C. Page (eds), The Foundations of Bureaucracy in Economic and Social Thought. Volume II. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004): 499-518. Reprinted from Public Policy and Administration, 12 (3) 1997: 31-50
Annual Report 2003
(And Bill Jenkins and Walter Kickert), Public Administration 82 (4) 2004: 1013-17
Public Administration
Editor, 82 2004. Pp. 1058
The Differentiated Polity: the regional civil services of the United Kingdom
(And P. Carmichael Janice Macmillan and Andrew Massey), Buckingham: Open University Press 2003
Interpreting British Governance
(And M. Bevir), London: Routledge 2003
Traditions of comparative governance: interpreting the changing role of the public sector
(And M. Bevir and P. Weller), in M. Bevir, R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Weller (Eds.), Special Issue on Traditions of Governance: history and diversity in Public Administration 81 (1) 2003: 1-17
Searching for Civil Society: changing patterns of governance in Britain
(And M. Bevir), in M. Bevir, R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Weller (Eds.), Special Issue on Traditions of Governance: history and diversity in Public Administration 81 (1) 2003: 41-62
Comparative Governance: prospects and lessons
(And M. Bevir and P. Weller), in M. Bevir, R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Weller (eds Special Issue on Traditions of Governance: history and diversity in Public Administration 81 (1) 2003: 191-210
What is governance and why does it matter?
in J. Hayward and Anand Menon (Eds.), Governing Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003): 61-73
Putting the People back into Networks
in Salminen, A. (Ed.), Governing Networks. EGPA Yearbook 2002. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2003: 9-23
Special Issue on Traditions of Governance: history and diversity
Bevir, M. Rhodes, R. A. W. and Weller, P. (eds) (2003), in Public Administration 81 (1). Pp. 210
Beliefs and Institutional Change: the UK National Health Service
(And Brian Hardy), in J. Fleming and I Holland (Eds.), Government reformed: Values, Institutions and the State, (Aldershot: Ashgate 2003): 65-87
Analysing Networks: from typologies of institutions to narratives of beliefs
Science and Society, No. 10 Spring 2003: 21-56
Decentering British Governance
(And Mark Bevir), Bang, H. (Ed.), Governance as social and political theory (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003) 61-78
Review of: ‘David Richards and Martin J. Smith, Governance and Public Policy in the UK
(Oxford; Oxford University Press)’, in Public Administration 81 (3) 2003: 644-6
Life At The Top: Public Administration As Anthropology
Paper to School of Policy, Newcastle University, 6 June 2003; Centre for Public Sector Management, University of Canberra, 11 June 2003; and the Political Science Program, ANU, 11 June 2003
The Unholy Trinity: Hierarchy, Contracts And Networks
Paper to the Public Service Commission’s Planning Retreat, 19 June 2003, Motel Royal Tara, Binalong; the ANZSOG Executive Fellows Program, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, 1-2 September 2003; and the Leadership Development Network Breakfast Meeting on ‘The Network State’, University House, ANU, 24 February 2004
Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow: dancing to the music of change at the top of the British civil service
Paper to the Workshop on Long-term Impact of Public Management Reform, Center for Research in Public Sector Management, University of Canberra, 6 August 2003
Everyday life in a government department: Public Administration as Anthropology
Panel on ‘Mediating the Self, Extending the Citizen: Key Institutions and the Practices of Everyday Life’, Australian Anthropological Society Annual Conference on Anthropology and Pragmatism, 1-3 October 2003, University of Sydney
Review of Sue Grafton, ‘Q is for Quarry’
(Pan Books 2003) in Association News: The Official Journal of the Police Association of Tasmania, 7 (4) 2003: 58
The Westminster Model As Tradition And Narrative: The Case Of Australia
Paper to the workshop on ‘Transplanting Government: the Westminster tradition in Asia and the Pacific’, Australian National University, Canberra, 12-14 November 2003. Review of ‘Robert Leach and Janie Percy-Smith, Local Governance in Britain’. New York: Palgrave 2001.’ Perspectives on Politics 1(1) 2003: 214-5
Localism and Exceptionalism: comparing public sector reforms in European and Westminster systems
in Tony Butcher and A. Massey (Eds.), Modernising Civil Services (Aldershot: Edward Elgar 2003): 16-36
Annual Report 2002
(And Bill Jenkins and Walter Kickert), Public Administration 81 (4) 2003: 893-5
Public Administration 81 2003
Editor, Pp. 925
Policy Communities and Issue Networks
(And David Marsh), in J. Scott (Ed.), Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology. Volume IV. (London: Routledge 2002), pp. 89-119. Reprinted from D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Policy Networks in British Government (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992)
The New Governance: governing without Government
in S. Osborne (Ed.), Critical Perspectives in Public Management (London: Routledge, 2001). Reprinted from Political Studies, 44, 1996: 652-67
The New Public Administration of the British State
in C. Hay (Ed.), British Politics Today (Cambridge: Polity 2002):101-26.
(11) ‘Putting the People back into Networks’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 37 (3) 2002: 399-415
Decentring British Bureaucracy
in M. Considine (Ed.), Knowledge, Networks and Jouned-Up Government. Conference Proceedings from the International Political Science Association, Structure and Organisation of Government Research, 3-5 June 2002. (University of Melbourne: The Centre for Public Policy, 2002). Also published on
How do we explain ourselves to one another? Professionalisation versus traditions in UK political science
Paper to the Workshop of ‘Historicizing the Political: Anglo-American Approaches to a Historical Political Science since 1900, University of California, Berkeley, 27-28 September 2002; and to the jubileee conference of the Australiasian Political Studies Association, Australian National University, Canberra, 2-4 October 2002
Interpretive Approaches
in D. Marsh and G. Stoker (Eds.), Theory and Methods in Political Science (London: Macmillan 2002): 131-52
Evolution in Britain’s Civil Service
(And P. Carmichael, Janice Macmillan and Andrew Massey), paper to the 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science association, 29 August- 1 September, Boston
Annual Report 2001
(And W. I. Jenkins et al), Public Administration 80 (4) 2002: 805-9
Chair’s Letter’, and ‘Annual report 2000’
in the Political Studies Association Member’s Handbook 2002. (Newcastle: PSA, 2002): 4 and 7-9
Rhodes to Riches’
(Interview), PSA News 13 (2) 2002: 1
Public Administration 80
2002:. Pp.842
in P. B. Clarke and J. Foweraker (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Democratic Thought (London: Routledge)
The Changing World of Top Officials. Mandarins or Valets?
(And P. Weller) (Eds.), (Buckingham, Open University Press). Pp. 252
Enter Centre Stage – the Departmental Secretaries
in R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Weller (Eds.) Mandarins or Valets? The Changing World of Top Officials. (Buckingham, Open University Press). Pp. 1-10
Departmental Secretaries in the UK, 1970-99
in R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Weller (Eds.) Mandarins or Valets? The Changing World of Top Officials. (Buckingham, Open University Press). Pp. 104-41
Conclusion: “Antipodean exceptionalism, European traditionalism”
in R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Weller) (Eds.) Mandarins or Valets? The Changing World of Top Officials. (Buckingham, Open University Press). Pp. 214-39
Unitary States
in Neil J Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences Oxford: Pergamon 2001: 15/968-71
Decentering Traditions: interpreting British government
(And Mark Bevir) Rhodes, R. A. W. (2000), Administration and Society, 33(2): 107-32
Decentering British Governance: From Bureaucracy to Networks
(And Mark Bevir), paper to a colloquium at the Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 9 March 2001. Published as a working paper by the Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California at:
A Decentered Theory Of Governance: Rational Choice, Institutionalism, and Interpretation
(And Mark Bevir), paper to a colloquium at the Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 9 March 2001 Published as a working paper by the Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California:
The Differentiated Polity: The Case of the Civil Services of the UK
paper to the: 51st Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 10-12 April 2001
Traditions, Beliefs, Dilemmas And British Governance
paper to the workshop on ‘Narratives of Governance’, Leiden, 30 June to 2 July 2001
The Civil Service
in A. Seldon (Ed.), The Blair Effect (London: Little, Brown, 2001): 97-116
Putting the People back into Networks
opening keynote address to the European Group of Public Administration Annual Conference, University of Vassa, Finland, 5-8 September 2001; and keynote address to the Australasian Political Science Association 43rd Annual Conference, Parliament House, Brisbane, 24-26 September 2001
Beyond Whitehall: a study of the civil services of the United Kingdom. End of Award Report to the ESRC
January 2001. (Newcastle: University of Newcastle, Department of Politics, January). Pp. 30
Localism and Exceptionalism: comparing public sector reforms in European and Westminster systems
Keynote address to the conference ‘Kvalitet 2001’, Lillehammer, 15-16 August 2001. Arbeids – og administrasjonsdepartementet, Kommunal og regionaldepartementet, Kommunenes Sentralforbund, Norges forskningsråd, Statskonsult, Høgskolen i Lillehammer og Lillehammer Kunnskapspark AS. Also to the PAC Annual Conference, ’Modernising Civil Services’, Civil Service College, Sunningdale 3-5 September 2001
Annual Report 2000
Public Administration 79 (4) 2001: 961-7
The Changing Nature of the Civil Services of the British Isles
paper to the Public Administration Committee Annual Conference, ‘Modernising Civil Services’, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 3-5 September 2001
Beyond Whitehall: a study of the civil services of the United Kingdom
(And Paul Carmichael, Andrew Massey and Janice McMillan), paper to the PSA Public Administration Specialist Group 10th One Day conference on ‘Devolution and the Future of Governance’, London, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy,26 September 2001
Public Administration 79
Editor, 2001. Pp.976
Editorial: Public Administration in Europe
(And Peter Bogason et al.), Public Administration 77 (1) 1999: 1-6
Policy Networks in British Political Science
in Tadao Miyakawa (Ed.), The Science of Public Policy (London and New York: Routledge, 2000): 442-61. Reprint of chapter 3 in Understanding Governance
United Kingdom (Aldershot and Brookfield, Vermont: Ashgate 2000). 2 volumes
(Ed.), Contains reprints of: ‘The New Governance: governing without Government’ Political Studies (44) 1996: 652-67; Policy Networks: a British perspective Journal of Theoretical Politics (2) No. 3 1990: 293-316; and (With P. Dunleavy), ‘Core Executive Studies in Britain’ Public Administration (68) 1990): 3-28
Administering the Summit
(And B. G. Peters and V. Wright) (Eds.), London: Macmillan and New York: St Martin’s Press 2000
Staffing the Summit – the administration of the core executive: convergent trends and national specificities
(And B. G. Peters and V. Wright (Eds.), in B. G. Peters, R. A. W. Rhodes and V. Wright) (Eds.), Administering the Summit. (London: Macmillan and New York: St Martin’s Press 2000): 3-22
The Struggle for Control
(And B. G. Peters and V. Wright (Eds.), in B. G. Peters, R. A. W. Rhodes and V. Wright) (Eds.), Administering the Summit. (London: Macmillan and New York: St Martin’s Press 2000),. Pp.265-70
Governance and Public Administration
in J. Pierre (Ed.) Debating Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000: 54-90
The UK Economic and Social Research Council’s ‘Whitehall Program’ and the Governance narrative
Australian Journal of Public Administration, 59 (2) 2000: 123-7
The ESRC Whitehall Programme: the changing nature of British central Government
(Ed.), Symposium in Public Administration 78 (2). Pp.251-363
The Governance Narrative: lessons from the Whitehall Programme
Public Administration 78 (2) 2000: 344-62
A Guide to the ESRC’s Whitehall Programme 1994-1999
Public Administration 78 (2) 2000: 251-82
Transforming British Government. Volume 1. Changing Institutions
(Ed.), London: Macmillan
Transforming British Government Volume 2 Changing Roles and Relationships
(Ed.), London: Macmillan
Introduction: The ESRC Whitehall Programme: A Guide to Institutional Change
in R. A. W. Rhodes (Ed.), (Ed.) Transforming British Government Volume 1. Changing Institutions. (London: Macmillan). Pp. 1-22
Conclusion: Interpreting British Government: the Governance Narrative
in R. A. W. Rhodes (Ed.), Transforming British Government Volume 1. Changing Institutions. Volume 2. Changing Roles and Relationships. (London: Macmillan). Pp. 254-67
Introduction: The ESRC Whitehall Programme: A Guide to Changing Roles and Relationships
in R. A. W. Rhodes (Ed.), Transforming British Government. Volume 2. Changing Roles and Relationships. (London: Macmillan). Pp. 1-24
Conclusion’: Understanding the British Governmental Tradition – an anti-foundational approach’
in R. A. W. Rhodes (Ed.), Transforming British Government. Volume 2. Changing Roles and Relationships. (London: Macmillan). Pp. 256-75
Annual Report 1999
(And Peter Bogason et al), Public Administration 78 2000: 723-8. ‘From Hierarchy to Contracts and Back Again: reforming the Australian Public Service, paper to the PSA 50th Anniversary Conference, London School of Economics, 10-13 April 2000
New Labour’s Civil Service: summing up joining up
Political Quarterly 71 (2) 2000: 151-66
Narratives of Civil Service Reform in Britain
paper to the International Workshop on ‘Narratives of Comparative Governance, University of Potsdam. 29 June – 2 July 2000
The Changing Mandarins: Responsive or Politicised
(And Pat Weller), paper to the IIAS Annual Conference, Working Group 3, ‘Public Sector Reform’, Beijing, China, 10-13 July 2000
Review of ‘Retreat From Jerusalem: British Politics, 1951-64’
by Kevin Jefferys. London: Macmillan 1997 in Contemporary British History 14 (2 ) 2000: 210-212
The New Public Administration of the British State
paper to RC 32.3. Study of Development of the Discipline: Policy Analysis and Administrative Science Roundtable International Political Science Association, World Congress, Quebec, 1-5 August 2000. Available at:
Minutes of Evidence Wednesday 14 June 2000. Professor C. Pollitt and Professor R. Rhodes
Public Administration Committee, Making Government Work Session 1999-2000. HC 238-v. (London: The Stationary Office, 2000)
The Governance Narrative
(London: Public Management and Policy Association, 2000). Pp. 26
The ESRC Whitehall Programme and the Governance Narrative
Australian Journal of Public Administration 59 (2) 2000: 123-7
Welcome’ and ‘The ESRC’s Whitehall Programme’
in Political Studies Association of the United Kingdon, 50th Anniversary (Newcastle: PSA)
From Hierarchy to Contracts and Back Again: reforming the Australian Public Service
in M. Keating, J. Wanna and P. Weller (Eds.) (2000), Institutions on the Edge? Capacity for Governance. (Sydney: Allen & Unwin):74-98
Public Administration, 78
Editor, 2000. Pp. 992.
Foreword: Governance and Networks
in G. Stoker (Ed.) The New Management of British Local Governance. (London: Macmillan, 1999): xii – xxvi. Edited version reprinted in G. Stoker (Ed.) The New Politics of British Local Governance London: Macmillan
Studying British government: reconstructing the research agenda
British Journal of Politics and International Relations 1 (2) 1999: 215-39
Foreword’, in M. Smith, The Core Executive in Britain
London: Macmillan, 1999
Foreword’, in K. Theakston, Leadership in Whitehall
London: Macmillan, 1999
he ESRC Whitehall Programme: a brief history and select bibliography, 1994-1998
Paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, 23-25 March 1999; and to ASPA Annual Conference, Orlando, 10-14 April 1999
Transforming British government: an interpretative guide to the ESRC’s Whitehall programme
Paper to: PSA Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, 23-25 March 1999: ASPA Annual Conference, Orlando, 10-14 April 1999.
The Civil Service: New Labour; red tape? Public sector reform since 1997
Paper to the Politics Association’s London Student Conference, Institute of Education, Bedford Way, London WC1, 22 April 1999
The Governance Narrative: lessons and findings from the ESRC Whitehall Programme
Paper to: Workshop on ‘Organisations of the Future’, Civil Service College, London, 3 June 1999. Public Service Seminar, British Academy, 4 June 1999. Public Management and Policy Association Conference on an ‘An Epidemic of Zones: Illness or Cure?’, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, 15 June 1999. Public Management and Policy Association, CIPFA, London 8 December 1999. Department of Public Administration, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 24 January 2000
Traditions and the study of British government: three illustrations and issues for discussion
Paper to Paper to the Workshop on ‘Narratives Of Governance: Interpreting the Changing Role of the Public Sector in Comparative and Historical Perspectives’, University of Copenhagen, 29-30 June 1999
Departmental Secretaries in the UK, 1970-99
Paper to the Workshop on Departmental Secretaries, University of Copenhagen, 2-3 July 1999
Enter Centre Stage – the Departmental Secretaries
Paper to the Workshop on Departmental Secretaries, University of Copenhagen, 2-3 July 1999
Policy Networks: a British perspective
in M. Maor and Jan-Erik Lane (Eds.), Comparative Public Administration. Volume 1. Analytical Frameworks and Critiques. (Aldershot UK and Brookfield USA: Dartmouth, 1999): 149-73. Reprinted from Journal of Theoretical Politics (2) No. 3 1990: 293-316
Research on Public Administration in the United Kingdom
Appendix to J. Greenwood and L. Robbins), ‘Public Administration Programmes in the United Kingdom’, in T. Verheijen and B. Connaughton (Eds.), Higher Education Programmes in Public Administration: Ready for the Challenge of Europeanisation? Centre for European Studies, University of Limerick, Occasional paper No. 3 1999
Foreword’ to N. Deakin and R. Parry, The Treasury and Social Policy
London, Macmillan
Understanding Governance: policy networks, governance, reflexivity and accountability
Reprinted. (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1999). Pp. 235
Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relationships
(Aldershot: Ashgate). Reprint of book originally published in 1981 with a new preface and 3 additional chapters
Review of ‘J. Boston et al., Public Management: the New Zealand Model, (Auckland: Oxford University Press 1996)
in Australian Journal of Public Administration 58 (3) 1999: 121-3
Les récits du régime politique britannique
(And M. Bevir), Revue Française de Science Politique 49 (3) 1999:355-77
Traditions and public sector reform: comparing Britain and Denmark
Scandinavian Political Studies 22 (4) 1999:341-370
New Labour’s Civil Service: summing up joining up
a paper to the final seminar on ‘Modernising Government’ in the British Council’s New Public Management Series held in the Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 5 October 1999
Project 2000
PSA News, 11 (4) December 1999: 1-2
Leaders of the Profession: Rod Rhodes
(Interview), ECPR News Autumn 1999: 28-29
It is life, but not as we know it: surviving a PhD
GradNews November 1999: 12-13
ESRC Whitehall Programme: Briefings
Newcastle: Department of Politics, University of Newcastle
The ESRC Whitehall Programme: the changing nature of central government in Britain
Programme Director’s End of Award Report, September 1999. (Newcastle: Department of Politics, University of Newcastle). Pp. 193
The Governance Narrative
ESRC Whitehall Programme Briefing No. 17. Newcastle: Department of Politics, University of Newcastle
The ESRC Whitehall Programme: Findings and Lessons
London: Goldsmith College Public Policy Series
Public Administration, 77
Pp. 944
L’evoluzione del governo centrale in Gran Bretagna: il programma Whitehall dell’ESRC’
Storia Amministrazione Costituzione, Annale ISAP 6, 1998: 297-303
Diplomacy in Governance
Politics Review (7) No. 3 1998:24-27
Policy Networks: a British perspective
Journal of Theoretical Politics (2) l990: 292-316. Reprinted in M. Maor and Jan-Erik Lane (Eds.) Comparative Public Administration. Volume 1. Aldershot, Dartmouth, The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government, 1998
Narratives of “Thatcherism” and the Dilemmas of British Government
(And M. Bevir), West European Politics 21 (1) 1998: 97-119. Reprinted in: H. Berrington (Ed.), Britain in the Nineties: the politics of paradox. London: Frank Cass, 1998
Narratives of British Government
paper to the Economic History Society Annual Conference, University of Leeds. 3-5 April 1998
Public Administration without Foundations
(And M. Bevir), Administrative Theory & Praxis 20 (1) 1998: 3-13
Different roads to unfamiliar places: UK experience in comparative perspective
Paper to the Workshop on ‘Public Policy and Private Management’, Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, 19-20 February 1998
Transforming British Government: the ESRC’s Whitehall Programme
Paper to the workshop on ‘Les hauts fonctionnaires et la politique: quelques résultats du “Whitehall Programme”’, Groupe ‘Politiques publiques’ de l’Association française de science politique, Institut d’Etudes Politique, Paris, 14 September 1998.
‘Managing the Fragments of the Welfare State’, The Stakeholder 2 (1) 1998: 14-15
Different roads to unfamiliar places: UK experience in comparative perspective
Australian Journal of Public Administration 57 (4) 1998: 19-31
Irony and the professional Yorkshireman
Statskundkab Kontakt No. 60 December 1998: 21-23
Transforming British Government: a guide to the ESRC’s Whitehall programme
Paper to the ESRC Whitehall Programme Conference, University of Birmingham, 17-19 December 1998
Understanding Governance; comparing public sector reform in Britain and Denma
Inaugural lecture, University of Copenhagen, 24 November 1998. Printed as Demokratiprojektet Arbejdspapir 17/1999, Institut fur Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet. Pp. 64
The Changing Nature of central Government in Britain: the ESRC’s Whitehall Programme
Special Issue of Public Policy and Administration 13 (4). Pp. 110
The Changing Nature of central Government in Britain: the ESRC’s Whitehall Programme
Public Policy and Administration 13 (4) 1998: 1-11
Public Administration 76
Editor, Pp. 81
Diplomacy in Governance
Public Finance Foundation Review No. 13 Jan/Feb 1997: 8-10
From Westminster Model to differentiated polity: narratives of British government
paper to the 10th National Conference of the Public Administration Theory Network, Richmond, Va. 8-10 March 1997
Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-95
in W. Kickert (Ed.), Public Management and Administrative Reform in Western Europe (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1997): 43-60
Reviving the Public Service
paper to the ESRC ‘Future Whitehall’ Conference, Church House, Westminster, 24 September 1997
Understanding Governance: policy networks, governance, reflexivity and accountability
Buckingham: Open University Press, 1997). Pp. 235
It’s the mix that matters: from marketisation to diplomacy
Australian Journal of Public Administration 56 1997: 40-53. Reprinted in Public Policy and Administration 12 (2) 1997: 31-50
Review of . Shell and R. Hodder-Williams (Eds.), ‘From Churchill to Major’
(London: Hurst, 1995) in Public Administration 75 1997: 381-3
Foreword by Professor R A W Rhodes
to W. J. M. Kickert, E. H. Klijn and J. F. M. Koppenjan (Eds.), Managing Complex Networks: Strategies for the Public Sector (London: Sage, 1997): xi-xv
Organising Perspectives on British Government
paper to the ESRC/PRO Conference on ‘Whitehall in the 1950s and 1960s’ held at the Public Record Office, Kew, 16-17 April 1997
The Transformation of British Public Administration
paper to the American Society of Public Administration 58th National Conference, ‘Public Administration in Transformation: Global Challenges, Local Responses’, Philadelphia, 26-30 July 1997
Good Governance
paper to the ESRC Social Science Conference, QEII Centre, 25 June 1997. The conference proceedings were published as : ESRC, Future Britain: revitalising policy through research (Swindon: ESRC 1997); and reported in Social Sciences Issue 36 October 1997: 4-5
From Marketisation to Diplomacy
paper to the PAC annual conference on ‘Understanding Governance’, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 1-3 September 1997
Review of ‘M. Loughlin Legality and Locality: the role of law in central-local government relations’
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996, Local Government Studies 23 1997: 135-7
The Hollow Crown
(And P. Weller and H. Bakviss (Eds.), (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1997). Pp. 252
Shackling the Leader? Coherence, Capacity and the Hollow Crown
in P. Weller, H. Bakviss and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), The Hollow Crown (London Macmillan, 1997): 198-223
Review of C. Thain and M. Wright ‘The Treasury and Whitehall: the planning and control of public expenditure, 1976-1993′
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995) in Political Studies 45 1997: 791-2
Governance and the Public Interest
paper to the workshop on ‘Governance, Ross Priory, University of Strathclyde 9 October 1997
Review of H. A. G. M. Bekke, J. L. Perry and T. A. J. Toonen, ‘Civil Service Systems In Comparative Perspective’
(Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1996) in Political Studies 45 (5) 1997: 982
Administrer le sommet de l’executif
(And V. Wright and B. G. Peters) (Eds.), Special issue of Revue Française d’Administration Publique, July/September, No. 83 1997. Pp. 381-520
Tendances convergentes et spécificités nationales
(And V. Wright and B. G. Peters), Revue Française d’Administration Publique, July/September, No. 83 1997: 381-95
Public Administration, 75
Editor, Pp. 787
Transforming Government: the ESRC Whitehall Programme
Interlink No. 3 Spring 1996: 8
Traditional Public Administration
(And C. Dargie), Public Administration 74 1996: 325-32, ‘The United Kingdom and the Committee of the Regions’ in J. J. Hesse and Theo A. J. Thoonen (Eds.), The European Yearbook of Comparative Government and Public Administration Volume 1 1994 (Baden-Baden: Nomos and Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1995/6): 185-209. Reprinted from J. J. Hesse (Ed.), Regions in Europe I: The Institutionalisation of the Committee of the Regions, (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1995): 45-73
Governing without Government: order and change in British politics
Inaugural lecture, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 18 April 1996
Conference Summation: Looking Beyond Managerialism
Australian Journal of Public Administration 55 (2) 1996: 106
The Concept of Policy Networks in British Political Science: Its Development and Utility
(And David Marsh), Talking Politics 8 (3) 1996: 210-22
Reinventing Whitehall: the agency experiment
paper to the Conference on ‘The New European Agencies’, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence, 1-2 March 1996
Agencies in British Government: Revolution or Evolution?
Florence: EUI Working Paper, Robert Schuman Centre No. 96/51, 1996
Assessing Agencies and Managerialism
paper to the Demos workshop on ‘Reshaping the Public Sector’, London, 22 May 1996
The Changing Face of British Local Government, 1979-95
paper to the workshop on Xornadas sobre Gobernos Locais en Europa, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gassett, Santiago de Compostela, 20-21 June 1996
Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-95?
paper the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco Hilton and Towers, 29 August – 1 September 1996
Towards a Post-modern Public Administration
paper to the ESRC Whitehall Programme Conference on ‘Understanding Central Government: theory into practice’, Lucas House, University of Birmingham, 16-18 September 1996
The New Governance: governing without Government
Political Studies (44) 1996: 652-67
Governing without Government: Order and Change in British Politics
Public Finance Foundation Review No. 12 November 1996: 5-6
The European Union, Cohesion Policy and Subnational Authorities in the United Kingdom
(And I. Bache and S. George), in L. Hooghe (Ed.), Cohesion Policy and European Integration (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996): 294-319
Policy Networks and Policy Making in the European Union: a critical appraisal
in L. Hooghe (Ed.), Cohesion Policy and European Integration (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996): 367-87
Review of R. Elgie ‘Political Leadership in Liberal Democracies’
(London: Macmillan, 1995) Public Administration 74 1996: 565-6
Agencies in British government: revolution or evolution?
Diritto Pubblico No. 3 1996: 731-54
Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-95? A summary
British Politics Group Newsletter Fall 1996 No. 86: 20-21
Regionalism in a Unitary State: the case of the UK
(And S George and I Bache), in J. J. Hesse (Ed.), Regions In Europe II: The Regional Potential (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1996): 57-80
Review of Peter Hennessy, ‘The Hidden Wiring’
(London: Gollancz, 1995) in Contemporary British History 1) (3) 1996: 145-7
From Institutions to Dogma: tradition, eclecticism and ideology in the study of British Public Administration
Public Administration Review, 56 (6) 1996: 507-16
Diplomacy in Governance
in Proceedings of the IPAA Conference ‘Signposting the Future’ (Brisbane: IPAA and KPMG, 1996)
Public Administration 74
Editor, Pp. 768
Evaluating Thatcherism: over the Moon or sick as a Parrot
(And D Marsh), Politics 15 1995: 49-54
The New Governance
public lecture II in the ESRC/RSA series ‘The State of Britain’, Royal Spciety of Arts, 24 January 1995
The Changing Face of British Public Administration
Politics 15 1995: 117-26
British Public Administration: the state of the discipline
(Ed.), special issue of Public Administration (73) Spring 1995. Pp. 190
The State of Public Administration: a professional history 1970-1995
Public Administration 73 1995: 1-16
Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-94
Newcastle Discussion Papers in Politics No. 11 January 1995
The Study of Political Institutions
Newcastle Discussion Papers in Politics, No. 13 January 1995
The New Governance: governing without government
London: RSA and ESRC, 1995
The ESRC Whitehall Programme: The Changing Nature of Central Government in Britain – a guide to the projects
paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of York, 18-20 April 1995. Revised version to the Institute of Contemporary British History Conference on ‘British History 1945-95. The State of the Art’, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, 10-14 July 1995
Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive
(And P. Dunleavy (Eds.), (London: Macmillan, 1995). Pp. 364
Introducing the Core Executive
in R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Dunleavy (Eds.), Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive (London: Macmillan, 1995): 1-8
From Prime Ministerial Power to Core Executive
in R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Dunleavy (Eds.), Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive (London: Macmillan): 11-37
Guide to Further Reading
in R. A. W. Rhodes and P. Dunleavy (Eds.), Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive (London: Macmillan, 1995): 322-5
Les reseaux d’action publique en Grande-Bretagne
en Les Reseaux de Politique Publique. Debat autour des policy networks sous la direction de Patrick Le Gales et Mark Thatcher (Paris: Editions L’Harmattan, 1995): 31-68
Whitehall Examination
Social Sciences No. 29 November 1995: 1
The New Governance
in ESRC/RSA, The State of Britain (Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1995): 29-46
Learned Plugging of Whitehall gaps
(interview) Times Higher Education Supplement, 1 September 1995: 5
The New Governance: an interview with Robin Lustig
in The World Tonight, The State of Britain (London: BBC Radio 4, July 1995): 5-6
Towards a Post-modern Public Administration: epoch, epistemology or narratives
paper to the PAC 25th Annual Conference, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 4-6 September 1995
The Institutional Approach
The Institutional Approach’ in D. Marsh and G. Stoker (Eds.), Theories and Methods in Political Science (London: Macmillan): 42-57
Policy advice “next in line to be privatised”
(interview) The Independent, 16 September 1995: 7
Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-95′ paper to the European Group of Public Administration Annual Conference, ‘Public Management and Administrative Modernisation
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 6-9 September 1995
Foreword; governance in the hollow state
in M. Blunden and M Dando (Eds.), Rethinking Public Policy Making. Questioning Assumptions, Challenging Beliefs (London: Sage, 1995): 1-6
Reformare la Pubblica Amministrazione
(And Bruno Dente, Marco Cammelli and others), Torino: Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1995
Reinventare Whitehall, 1979-94: sviluppare lo stato vuoto?
in Bruno Dente, R. A. W. Rhodes and others, Reformare la Pubblica Amministrazione (Torino: Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1995): 315-51
The United Kingdom and the Committee of the Regions
(And I. Bache and S. George), in J. J. Hesse (Ed.), Regions in Europe I: The Institutionalisation of the Committee of the Regions, (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1995): 45-73
Is there a Post-modern Public Administration?
Florence: Robert Schuman Centre, Jean Monnet Paper No. 33, 1995
Review of A. Norton, ‘International Handbook of Local and Regional Government’
(Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1994) in Journal of Regional and Federal Studies (5) No. 2 1995: 258-9
Sorry State of Britain
(interview), The Times 27 April 1995: 20. 303
The ESRC Whitehall Programme: Information Pack
(Newcastle: Department of Politics, University of Newcastle)
Public Administration 73
Editor, Pp. 642
From Prime Ministerial Power to Core Executive
York Working Paper No. 1 January 1994
State-building without Bureaucracy
in I. Budge and D. McKay (Eds.) Developing Democracy: research in honour of Jean Blondel (London: Sage, 1994): 165-88
The Hollowing Out of the State
Political Quarterly 65 1994: 138-51. Reprinted in ‘The Hollowing Out of the State’ in R. Hodges (Ed.), Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy: governance and the public sector. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2006: 3-16.
Review of G K Fry, ‘Reforming the Civil Service’ (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1993) Political Studies 42 1994: 325.
Policy Networks: ‘defensive’ comments, modest claims, and plausible research strategies
(And D. Marsh), paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Swansea, 29-31 April 1994
Yorkshire, Humberside and the South East: a study of regional economic development, environmental policies, research and development, and cultural affairs in two UK regions
(And S. George and I. Bache), Report for the Centre For European Studies, Nuffield College, Oxford, March 1994
Public Administration 72
Pp. 626
Water Supply and Sewerage Services in the United Kingdom
(and A. Melville), Report for the Centre For European Studies, Nuffield College, Oxford, April 1994). Pp. 46
Reinventing Excellence: or how best-sellers thwart the search for lessons to transform the public sector
Public Administration 72 1994: 279-8
From Institutions to Dogma
Newcastle Discussion Papers in Politics No. 8, December, 1994
Reinventing Whitehall, 1979-94. Creating the hollow state?
paper to the Conegno, Reinventare la Pubblica Amministrazione. Un bilancio del passato e un’agenda per il futuro, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino, 2-3 Dicembre 1994
Review of David Wilson and others, ‘Local Government in the United Kingdom’
London: Macmillan, 1994) in Local Government Studies, 20 1994: 651-3
York professor to lead ESRC’s Whitehall research programme
University of York Magazine, March 1994: 5
The Changing Nature of the British Executive: a research proposal
paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Leicester, 20-22 April 1993
The Changing Nature of the British Executive: a research proposal
a report to the Research Programmes Board of the ESRC, London, May 1993
The Changing Nature of the British Executive: a research proposal
paper to the Civil Service/Cabinet Office/ESRC Workshop on ‘Future Research into the British Executive’. Civil Service College, London, 18 May 1993
The United Kingdom and the Committee of the Regions
(And S. George and I. Bache), in J. J. Hesse (Ed.), Begleitforschung zur Institutionalisierung des Regionalausschusse auf EG-Ebene Erster Zwischenbericht (Oxford: Centre for European Studies, September 1993)
Public Administration 71 1993
Editor, Pp. 624
Public Administration (70)
Editor, Pp. 626
Local Government
in B. Jones and L. Robbins (Eds.), Two Decades in British Politics (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992): 205-18
Intergovernmental Relations in Unitary Political Systems
in M. Hawkesworth and M. Kogan (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of Government and Politics (London: Routledge, 1992): 316-35
New Directions in the Study of Policy Networks
(And D Marsh), European Journal of Political Research 21 1992: 181-205.
Beyond Westminster and Whitehall (London: Routledge, corrected edition with a new Preface and bibliographical addendum, 1992
mplementing Thatcherism
(And D. Marsh), Parliamentary Affairs 45 1992: 33-50
Changing Intergovernmental Relations
in P. J. Cloke (Ed.) Policy and Change in Thatcher’s Britain (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1992): 55-75
Policy Networks in British Government
(And D. Marsh) (Eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Pp. 295
Policy Networks in British Politics
(And D Marsh), in D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Policy Networks in British Government (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992): 1-26
Policy Communities and Issue Networks: Beyond Typology
(And D. Marsh), in D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.) Policy Networks in British Government (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992): 249-68
Implementing Thatcherite Policies: audit of an era
(And D. Marsh) (Eds.), Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1992). Pp. 212
Thatcherism: an implementation perspective
(And D. Marsh), in D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Implementing Thatcherite Policies: audit of an era (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1992): 1-10
Local government finance
in D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Implementing Thatcherite Policies: audit of an era (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1992): 50-64
The implementation gap
in D. Marsh and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.) Implementing Thatcherite Policies: audit of an era (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1992): 170-87
Europe and Beyond
Public Administration 70 1992: 1-2
Review of P. Madgwick, ‘British Government: the central executive territory
(Oxford: Philip Allan, 1991) Public Administration 70 1992: 296-7
Implementing Thatcherite Policies
(And J. Peggs, B. Tutt and D. Marsh), Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 1992. Pp. 84
Management in Local Government: twenty years on
in S. Leach (Ed.), The Future of Local Government; essays in honour of John Stewart (Harlow: Longman): 14-48
Policy Making in the Thatcher Era: a preliminary audit
(And D. Marsh), The Centre for Australian Public Sector Management, Griffith University, Brisbane, Research Paper No. 26, 1992. Pp. 17
The Europeanisation of Sub-Central Government: the case of the UK
Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis 2 1992: 80-91. Reprinted in C Fletcher and C Walsh (Eds.) The Impact of Federalism on Metropolitan Strategies in Australia (Canberra: Federalism Research Centre, 1992): 55-72, 1992: 80-91. Reprinted in C Fletcher and C Walsh (Eds.) The Impact of Federalism on Metropolitan Strategies in Australia (Canberra: Federalism Research Centre, 1992): 55-72.
‘The Changing Face of Local Government’ News Sheet (University of York) March 1992: 10.
(And J. Nolan), Size Democracy and Functional Efficiency (a report to York City Council, June 1992). Pp. 10.
Thatcherism: a policy perspective
(and D Marsh), in G. H. Healey and Dalchong Kim (Eds.), Britain and Korea: education, welfare and the economy (Sheffield: Centre for Korean Studies, 1992): 71-89
Review of ‘The Whitehall Companion 1992
(London: Dod’s Publishing and Research Ltd, 1992) in Public Administration 70 1992: 622
The Changing Nature of the British Executive
paper to the PAC Annual Conference, University of York, 7-9 September 1992
The Changing Nature of the British Executive: a summary report
a report to the Research Programmes Board of the ESRC along with a bound set of the conference papers under the title Changing Role of the Executive in British Government, July 1992
The Europeanisation of Sub-central Government: the case of the UK
The Centre for European Studies, Discussion Paper No. 13 (Nuffield College, Oxford) , April 1992. Pp. 23
Beyond Whitehall: researching local governance
Social Sciences, No. 13, February, 1992: 2
Europeanisation and Sub-central Government
in C Fletcher and C Walsh (Eds.) The Impact of Federalism on Metropolitan Strategies in Australia (Canberra: Federalism Research Centre, 1992): 55-72
The Annual Report by the Editor
Public Administration 70 (4) 1992: 453-6.
Interorganizational Networks and Control: The Policy Process
in F. X. Kaufman (Eds.), The Public Sector: challenge for co-ordination and learning (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1991): 525-34
Now Nobody Understands the System: the changing face of local government
in P. Norton (Ed.), New Directions in British Politics (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1991): 83-112
Review of N. B. Lynn and A. Wildavsky (Eds.), ‘Public Administration: The State of the Discipline’
Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1990 in Political Studies 39 1991: 189
Creating a Policy Mess
paper to the Nuffield Foundation Workshop on the Implementation of Thatcherite Policies, University of York, 3-5 January 1991. Pp. 39
Theory and Methods in British Public Administration: the view from political science
Political Studies 39 1991: 533-54
Review of R J Bennett (Ed.), ‘Decentralization Local Governments and Markets’
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990), in Political Studies 39 1991: 177
Review of ‘D M Welborn and J Burkhead, Intergovernmental Relations in the American Administrative State’
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1989) in Political Studies (39) 1991: 419
A Plague of Practice.
Inaugural Lecture, University of York, 20 February 1991
The New Public Management
(Ed) special issue of Public Administration 69 (1) 1991
‘Introduction’ in R. A. W. Rhodes (Ed.), The New Public Management
special issue of Public Administration 69 (1) 1991: 1-2
Policy Implementation Under Thatcher
(And D Marsh), paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, April 1991. Pp. 26
The ESRC’s Research Initiative of “Local Governance”
paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, April 1991. Pp. 50
Review of ‘J. Hills (Ed.), The State of Welfare, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991)’
in Public Administration (69) 1991: 414-5
A National Forum on Local Issues
letter to The Times, 16 April 1991. MISSING
Bringing Power to the People
interview with Michael Hickling, Yorkshire Post 24 April 1991
Policy Networks and sub-central government
in G. Thompson, J. Frances, R. Levacic and J. Mitchell (Eds.), Markets, Hierarchies and Networks: the co-ordination of social life (London: Sage, 1991): 203-14. Reprinted from Beyond Westminster and Whitehall: the sub-central governments of Britain (London: Allen & Unwin, 1988): 77-85
Review of J. L. Perry (Ed.), ‘Research in Public Administration Volume 1 1991′
Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press Inc., 1991 in Public Administration 69 1991: 545-6
Management in Local Government – 20 Years On
paper to the Workshop on the Future of Local Government, Birmingham, 2 October 1991. Pp.63
Public Sector Thatcherism: Australian Style
interview in Newsheet (University of York), November 1991: p.2
Review of L. J. Sharpe, ‘The Anglo-American Lexicon of the Social Sciences’
(Oxford: Trulex, 1990) in Public Administration 69 1991: 547
Local Governance
A Report to Society and Politics Research Development Group of the ESRC, London, November 1991
The 1990 Editor’s Annual Report
Public Administration 69 1991: 399-402
Public Administration 69 1991
Editor, Pp. 547
Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive
(And P. Dunleavy and B. O’Leary) (Eds.), (Special issue of Public Administration 68 1990). Pp. 140
Core Executive Studies in Britain
(And P. Dunleavy), in P. Dunleavy, B. O’Leary and R. A. W. Rhodes (Eds.), Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive (Special issue of Public Administration 68 1990): 3-28
Introduction’ Public Administration 68
(And P. Dunleavy and B. O’Leary), l990: 1-2
Review of J G March, ‘Decisions and Organizations’ and C E Lindblom, ‘Democracy and the Market System’
(Oxford: Blackwell, 1988 & Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1988 respectively) in Public Administration 68 1990: 260-61.
Implementing Thatcherism: a policy perspective
(And D Marsh), Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 62 September l989. Pp. 60
Policy Networks and the Implementation of Community Care :policy for people with mental handicap
(And G. Wistow and B. Hardy), Journal of Social Policy (19) No. 2 1990: 141-68
Policy Networks: a British perspective Journal of Theoretical Politics (2) No. 3
1990: 293-316. Reprinted in: M. Maor and Jan-Erik Lane (Eds.), Comparative Public Administration. Volume 1. Analytical Frameworks and Critiques. (Aldershot UK and Brookfield USA: Dartmouth, 1999): 149-73, The Current State of Public Administration and Public Policy in Britain paper to the Conference on Methods in the Study of Politics, Maison Francaise, Oxford 14-15 September l990. Pp. 63. Local government in a changing social and economic system: a comment of Stoker’s research agenda paper to a round table discussion at the PSA Annual Conference, University of Durham, 10-12 April 1990; and to the PSA Urban Politics Group, LSE 23 June 1990. Pp. 11
Policy Communities, Policy Networks and Issue Networks: Beyond a New Typology
(And D. Marsh), paper to the ECPR Joint Sessions, Workshop on Institutions, Structures and Intermediation of Interests, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, 2-7 April l990. Pp. 26
Review of M. Wallis, ‘Bureaucracy. Its Role in Third World Development’
(London: Macmillan, 1989) Local Government Studies 16 (2) 1990: 79-80
Review of C. Moore and J. J. Richardson, ‘Local Partnership and the Unemployment Crisis in Britain’
(London: Unwin Hyman, 1989)” in Political Studies 38 1990: 367
The 1989 Editors’ Annual Report
(And B. O’Leary), Public Administration 68 (4) 1990: 397-400
Public Administration (68)
Editor, Pp. 549
The Changing Civil Service
Parliamentary Affairs 41 1989: 270-76
Review of C Campbell S J, and B G Peters (Eds.), ‘Organizing Governance, Governing Organizations’
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988 in Public Administration 67 1989: 477-8
1988 Annual Report by the Editors
Public Administration 67 1989: 349-51
”A Squalid and politically corrupt process”? Intergovernmental relations in the post-war period
in J. Anderson and A. Cochrane (Eds.). A State of Crisis: The Changing Face of British Politics (London: Longman, 1989): 202-25. Reprinted from: Local Government Studies 11 (6) 1985: 35-57
The United Kingdom: State Building without a Bureaucracy
paper to the Workshop on The Role of Bureaucracy in Western European States, University of Bern, 30 March to 2 April 1989. Pp. 45
Review of A McPherson and C Raab, ‘Governing Education: a sociology of policy since 1945′
in Public Policy and Administration 4 (3) 1989: 51-2
Implementing Thatcherism: a policy perspective
(And D Marsh), paper to: the PAC Annual Conference University of York, 2-4 September 1989; and the Annual Conference of the Politics Association, University of Bristol, 22-24 September 1989. Pp. 55
Policy Networks: A concept in search of a literature
paper to the Nuffield Foundation Conference on Policy Networks in British Government, University of Essex, 30 June-2 July 1989. Pp. 40
Public Administration (67)
Editor, Pp. 491
Beyond Westminster and Whitehall: the sub-central governments of Britain
London: Allen & Unwin, 1988
Interorganizational Networks, the Policy Process and the “Problem” of Control
West European Politics 11 1988: 119-30. (And I. Budge et al), The Changing British Political System. 2nd edition. (London: Longman, 1988)
Sub-central decision making
in I. Budge et al, The New British Political System. 2nd edition. (London: Longman, 1988): 114-39
Review of E. C. Page and M. Goldsmith (Eds.), `Central and Local Government Relations’
(London: Sage, 1987) in Political Studies 36 1988: 367
Government Beyond Whitehall
(And P. Dunleavy), in H. M. Drucker et al (Eds.), Developments in British Politics 2 (London: Macmillan, 1987): 107-43. New chapter replacing 197
Review of H. E. McCurdy `Public Administration: a bibliographic guide to the literature’
(New York: Marcel Dekker, 1988) in Public Administration (66) 1988: 361-2
Policy Networks, Territorial Communities and British Government
paper to the Workshop on Public Policy in Northern Ireland: Adoption or Adaptation, Policy Research Institute, University of Ulster, 4 March 1988. Pp. 47
The Core Executive and Policy Networks: Caring For Mentally Handicapped People
(And G Wistow), Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 49 March 1988. Pp. 54
The 1987 Annual Report by the Editors
(And C Pollitt), Public Administration 66 1988: 339-42
The Ethnic Minority Population in Essex County
(And Shamit Saggar), Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 50 December 1988. Pp. 72
Review of Sir Geoffrey Vickers, ‘Policy Making and Social Learning’
(Oxford: Transaction Books, 1987) in Public Administration 66 1988: 463-4
Public Administration (66)
Editor, Pp. 476
Public Administration (65)
Editor, Pp. 478
Review of M. Laffin, `Professionalism and Policy: The Role of the Professions in the Central-Local Government Relationship
(Aldershot: Gower, 1986) in Political Studies 35 1987: 130-51
The Conservatives and Sub-Central Governments: Funny Things Happened on the Way to Centralisation
(And P. Dunleavy), Social Studies Review 5 (2) 1987: 19-26
Mrs Thatcher and Local Government: intentions and achievements
in L. Robbins (Ed.), Political Institutions in Britain (London: Longmans, 1987): 98-120. Reprinted from Teaching Politics 13 (3) 1984: 355-75
Policy Networks and the Policy Process: the case of “Care in the Community”
(And G. Wistow), paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, April 1987. Pp. 44
Developing the Public Service Orientation
Local Government Studies 13 (3) 1987: 63-73
Election Countdown: Can the Alliance Gain Control?
(With Wyn Jones), Essex County Standard 1 May 1987
`Introduction’ to Symposium on Ministerial Responsibility Public Administration 65
1987: 61-2
All Eyes Will Be on Chelmsford
(With Judith Bastin), Evening Gazette 10 June 1987
The Reform of Local Government: revival of an industry
Public Administration 65 1987: 193-207
Chuo-chiho-ryoseifu-kan no seigyo to kengen (Tokyo: jichi-sogo senta).
Japanese edition of Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relations. (Aldershot: Gower).
Tensions in the Territorial Politics of Western Europe.
(And V. Wright, eds.), Special issue of West European Politics 10 (4) 1987. Pp. 167
Tensions in the Territorial Politics of Western Europe
(And V. Wright, eds.), (London: Frank Cass, 1987). Pp. viii + 176. Book publication of 191. Pagination identical for both versions
Territorial Politics in the United Kingdom
West European Politics 10 (4) 1987: 21-51. Reprinted in .R. A. W. Rhodes and V. Wright (Eds.) Tensions in the Territorial Politics of Western Europe (London: Frank Cass, 1987): 21-51
Introduction’ in West European Politics 10
(And V. Wright), (4) 1987: 1-20. Rewprinted in R. A. W. Rhodes and V. Wright (Eds.), Tensions in the Territorial Politics in Western Europe (London: Frank Cass, 1987): 1-20
The Ethnic Minority Population in Essex County: a critical study of various quantitative data sources
(With Shamit Saggar), Report to the Commission for Racial Equality, August 1987. Pp. 71
Relations between central and local government
in M. Burch and M. Moran (Eds.), British Politics: a reader (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987: 333-53. Reprinted from British Journal of Political Science 14 1984: 261-283
Government Beyond Whitehall
(And P. Dunleavy), in H. Drucker et al (Eds.), Developments in British Politics 2. Revised 2nd edition. (London: Macmillan, 1987): 107-43
”Power-Dependence” Theories of Central-Local Relations: a critical reassessment
in M. J. Goldsmith (Ed.), New Research in Central-Local Relations (Aldershot: Gower, 1986): 1-33
The Changing Relationships of the National Community of Local Government
in M. J. Goldsmith (Ed.), New Research in Central Local Relations (Aldershot: Gower, 1986): 122-51
The National World of Local Government
London and Winchester, Mass: Allen & Unwin, 1986. Pp. xviii + 441
Register of Research and Research Digest on Central-Local Government Relations in Britain
(And M. J. Goldsmith), London: Economic and Social Research Council, 1986. Pp. 89
Government Beyond Whitehall
(And P. Dunleavy), in H. Drucker etal (Eds.), Developments in British Politics 2. 2nd edition. (London: Macmillan, 1986): 107-43
”Corporate Bias” in Central-Local Relations: a case study of the Consultative Council on Local Government Finance
Policy and Politics 14 1986: 221-45
he National Community of Local Government
Municipal Review April 1986: 13-14
La Grande Bretagne, pays du “governement local”?
Pouvoirs No. 37 1986: 59-70
Watch Out for the Yuppies
(With Wyn Jones), Essex County Standard 2 May 1986
Review of L. J. Sharpe and K. Newton, `Does Politics Matter?’
(New York: Oxford University Press) in American Political Science Review 80 1986: 1088-9
European Policy Making, Implementation and Sub-Central Governments
Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration, 1986. Pp. 69
Review of S. Ranson, G. Jones and K. Walsh (Eds.), `Between Centre and Locality’
(London: Allen & Unwin, 1985) in Public Administration 64 1986: 231-4
Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relations
Reprinted. (Aldershot: Gower, 1986)
Intergovernmental Relations in the United Kingdom
in Y. Meny and V. Wright (Eds.), Centre-Periphery Relations in Western Europe (London and Winchester MA: Allen & Unwin, 1985): 122-51
Review of W. B. Eddy (Ed.), `Handbook of Organisation Management’
(New York & Basle: Marcel Dekker, 1984) in Journal of Public Policy 5 1985: 124-5
Review of G. R. Gilbert (Ed.), `Making and Managing Policy’
(New York & Basle: Marcel Dekker, 1984) in Public Administration and Development 5 (3) 1985: 278-9
Intergovernmental Relations in Post-war Britain
paper to the ESRC/ESF Workshop on Territorial Politics in Western Europe, Nuffield College, Oxford, 3-5 October 1985. Pp. 44
Corporatism, Pay Negotiations and Local Government
Public Administration 63 1985: 287-307
”A squalid and politically corrupt process”?: Intergovernmental Relations in the Post-war Period
Local Government Studies 11 (6) 1985: 35-57. Reprinted in J. Anderson and A. Cochrane (Eds.). A State of Crisis: The Changing Face of British Politics (London: Longman, 1989): 202-25
Power Dependence, Policy Communities and Intergovernmental Networks
paper to the 15th PAC Conference, University of York, September, 1985. Pp. 43
Intergovernmental Relations in Britain: Developments and Crises in the Post-war Period
Final Report to the Economic and Social Research Council, December 1985. Pp. 21. MISSING
Power Dependence, Policy Communities and Intergovernmental Networks
Department of Government, University of Essex: Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 30 September 1985. Pp. 44 (And I. Budge et al), The New British Political System Revised edition. (London: Longmans 1985)
The “Other Governments” of Britain’
(And E. Page), in I. Budge et al, The New British Political System. Revised edition. (London: Longmans, 1985): 104-35
Review of P. Jackson, `The Political Economy of Bureaucracy’
(Oxford: Philip Allan, 1982) in Political Studies 32 (1) 1984: 134-5
L’introduzione dei block grants in Gran Bretagna
in B Dente, Y Meny and L J Sharpe (Eds.), Le relazioni centro-periferia: Parte seconda – Le relazioni centro-periferia negli stati industriali avanzati (Milan: ISAP NS 2, 1984): 2523-65
Continuity and Change in British Central-Local Relations: the “Conservative Threat”, 1979-83
Department of Government, University of Essex: Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 2 April 1984. Pp. 39
Review of A. Robinson and C. Sandford, `Tax Policy-Making in the United Kingdom’
(London: Heinemann, 1983) in Political Studies 32 (1) 1984: 127-8
Continuity and Change in British Central-Local Relations: the “Conservative Threat”, 1979-83
British Journal of Political Science 14 1984: 261-283
Mrs Thatcher and Local Government: intentions and achievements
Teaching Politics (13) No. 3 1984: 355-75
Beyond Whitehall
(And P. Dunleavy), in H. M. Drucker etal, (Eds.), Developments in British Politics. Revised edition. (London: Macmillan, 1984): 106-33
Cuts, Budgets and Central-Local Relations
Update to: The Open University, Policies, People and Administration (D336, Block 2, 1984). Pp. 16
Changing Patterns of Centre-Periphery Relations in the United Kingdom, 1945-83
paper to the European Science Foundation Workshop on The Construction and Reconstruction of Centres and Centre-Periphery Relations in Europe, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem 28 May-1 June 1984. Pp. 56
The Problems of Intergovernmental Relations: recent changes in Britain and some comparisons With Western Europe
paper to the Workshop on The New Debate on Decentralisation in Sub-Central Public Administration, European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, 7-10 May 1984. Pp. 46
Review of L. J. Sharpe and K. Newton, `Does Politics Matter?’
(Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1984) in Political Studies 23 1984: 474
Corporatism, Pay Negotiations and Local Government
Department of Government, University of Essex: Essex Papers in Politics and Government No. 19 September 1984). Pp. 53
Local Government and the European Community
paper to the RIPA Workshop ‘Brussels for Beginners’, London, 2 November 1984. Pp. 6
The Reorganisation of Local Government and the National Community of Local Government: a case study of “Organic Change”
Department of Government, University of Essex: SSRC Central-Local Relations Project, Discussion Paper No. 4 January 1983). Pp. 119
Continuity and Change in British Central-Local Relations: the ‘Conservative Threat
paper to the second Anglo-Canadian Conference on the Reform of Local Government, Queen’s University, Kingston 15-18 March 1983. Pp. 48
Local Government Pay Negotiations and the National Community of Local Government
(And B. Hardy and K. Pudney), Department of Government, University of Essex: SSRC Central-Local Relations Project Discussion Paper No. 5 February 1983. Pp. 161
Constraints on the National Community of Local government: members, `other governments’ and policy communities
Department of Government University of Essex: SSRC Central-Local Relations Project, Discussion Paper No. 6 March 1983. Pp. 171
Beyond Whitehall
(And P. Dunleavy), in H. M. Drucker (Ed.), Developments in British Politics (London: Macmillan, 1983): 106-33
The possibility of a national community of local government
Municipal Journal, 8 July 1983: 1000-1001
`Power-Dependence’ Theories of Central-Local Relations: a critical reassessment
(And B. Hardy and K. Pudney), Department of Government, University of Essex, SSRC Central-Local Relations Project, Discussion Paper No. 7 July 1983. Pp. 59
The New British Political System: Government and Society in the 1980s
(And I. Budge, D. McKay etal), London: Longmans, 1983). Pp. 231
The “Other Governments” of Britain
(And E. Page), in I. Budge et al, The New British Political System (London: Longmans, 1983): 104-35
Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relations
Reprinted. (Aldershot: Gower, 1983)
Can There be a National Community of Local Government?
Local Government Studies 9 (6) 1983: 17-37
”Power Dependence” Theories of Central-Local Relations: a critical assessment
paper to the SSRC Conference on Political Theory and Central-Local Relations, Nuffield College, Oxford, 16-18 September 1983. Pp. 57
Review of B. Hogwood and M. Keating (Eds.), `Regional Government in England’
Oxford: The Clarendon Press 1982 in Town Planning Review 54 (2) 1983: 238-9
Strength in diversity: reforming the national community of local government
Municipal Journal 18 November 1983: 1766-67
Review of C Hood, ‘The Tools of Government’
(London: Macmillan, 1983) in Times Higher Education Supplement 9 December 1983
Intergovernmental Relations in the European Community
(And C Hull), Paperback edition. (Aldershot: Gower, 1983)
Review of A. J. Meltsner and C. Bellavista, `The Policy Organisation’
(London: Sage, 1983) in Journal of Public Policy 3 1983: 438-9.
Review of C. Hood and A. Dunsire, `Bureaumetrics’
(Gower, 1981) in Journal of Policy Studies 2 (1) 1982: 88-90
Review of N. Johnson and A. Cochrane, `Economic Policy Making by Local Authorities in England and Western Germany’
(London: Allen & Unwin, 1981) in West European Politics 5 1982: 88-90
L’organisation de la transformation urbaine: la planification par objectifs dans les villes anglaises
dans Les structures locales en Grande-Bretagne et en France sous la direction de J. Lagroye and V. Wright (Paris: La Documentation Francaise, 1982):135-56. French edition of `Ordering Urban Change: corporate planning in the government of English cities’ in V. Wright and J. Lagroye (Eds.) Local Government in Britain and France (London: Allen & Unwin, 1979): 127-49
Corporate Bias in Central-Local Government Relations: the case of the consultative Council on Local Government Finance
(And B. Hardy and K. Pudney) paper to the PSA Annual Conference, University of Kent, 14-16 April 1982. Pp. 19
Corporate Bias’ in Central-Local Government Relations: the case of the Consultative Council on Local Government finance
(And B Hardy and K Pudney), Department of Government, University of Essex: SSRC Central-Local Relations Project, Discussion Paper No. 1, March 1982. Pp. 111
Review of D E Ashford, `British Dogmatism and French Pragmatism: central-local policy-making in the welfare state’
London: Allen & Unwin, 1982 in Local government Chronicle 30 July 1982: 852
Intergovernmental Relations in Britain
Paper presented to the Research Workshop on Centre-Periphery Relations in Western Europe, European University Institute, Florence 7-9 June 1982. MISSING
Public Interest Groups in the National Community of Local Government: a comparative study
(And B Hardy and K Pudney) Department of Government, University of Essex: SSRC Central-Local Relations Project, Discussion Paper No. 2 June 1982. Pp. 175
Patterns of Resource Exchange Within the National Community of Local Government
(And B Hardy and K Pudney), Department of Government, University of Essex: SSRC Central-Local Relations Project, Discussion Paper No. 3 July 1982. Pp. 61
Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose: an exercise in editorial nostalgia
Public Administration Bulletin No. 38 August 1982: 2-7
The Local Authority Associations in Central-Local Relationships
Report to the Social Science Research Council December. Pp. 103
Public Administration Bulletin Nos. 38-40. Pp. 221
Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relations
(Farnborough, Hants: Gower, 1981). Pp. 194
Review of A. Wildavsky, `The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis’
(Macmillan, 1981) in Public Administration 59 Spring 1981: 107-9
The Changing Pattern of Local Government in England: reform or reorganisation
in A. B. Gunlicks (Ed.), Local Government Reform and Reorganisation: an international perspective (New York: Kennikat Press, 1981): 93-111
The Local Authority Associations and the Changing Role of Local Government in the Eighties
Proceedings of the CIPFA 96th Annual Conference (London: CIPFA 1981): 39-42
Public Interest Groups in Central-Local Government Relationships
Public Administration Bulletin No. 36 August 1981: 17-13
Review of Institute for Economic Affairs, `Town hall Power or Whitehall Pawn?’
(London: IEA Readings 25, 1980) in Local Government Studies 7 (5) 1981: 103-4
Intergovernmental Relations in Britain
(And M. J. Goldsmith) (Eds.), Special Issue of Public Administration Bulletin No. 36 August 1981). Pp. 70
Public Administration Bulletin Nos. 35-37. Pp. 208
Corporate Management: the new conventional wisdom in British Local Government?
(And A. Midwinter) Glasgow, University of Strathclyde: Studies in Public Policy No. 59 1980. Pp. 129
Accountability in Urban Society
Review of S. Greer, R. D. Hedlund and J. L. Gibson (Eds.) in Local Government Studies 6 (1) 1980: 94-5
Some myths in Central-Local Relations
paper presented to: Administrative Studies Seminar, University of Kent, 16 April 1980, Urban Politics and History Workshop, University of York, 17-19 April 1980 and Seminar Central-Local Relations, Civil Service College (Sunningdale) 12 May 1980. Pp. 37
Analysing Intergovernmental Relations
European Journal of Political Research 8 1980: 289-322
Some Myths in Central-Local Relations
Town Planning Review 51 (3) 1980: 270-85
Public Interest Groups in Central-Local Relations: problems of terminology, classification and mapping
(And B. Hardy and K. Pudney) Paper presented to the SSRC Conference on Central-Local Relations, University of Birmingham, 14-16 March 1980. Pp. 66
Looking at Organisations
RIPA Report 1 (1) 1980: 17-18
Developing Countries
in D. C. Rowat (Ed.), International Handbook on Local Government Reorganisation: contemporary developments (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press/London: Aldwych Press, 1980): 563-81
Review of J. Dearlove, The Reorganisation of British Local Government
(Cambridge University Press, 1979) in Local Government Studies 6 (5) 1980: 71-3
The Analysis of Local Discretion
paper to the CITEP Conference on The State of the Autonomies, Madrid: 24-28 November 1980. Pp. 19
Local Government Finance in Britain
paper to the CITEP Conference on the State of the Autonomies, Madrid, 24-28 November 1980. Pp. 28
Public Administration Bulletin Nos. 32-34. Pp. 209
Ordering Urban Change: corporate planning in the government of English cities
in V. Wright and J. Lagroye (Eds.) Local Government in Britain and France (London: Allen & Unwin, 1979): 127-49. French edition as: `L’organisation de la transformation urbaine: la planification par objectifs dans les villes anglaises’ dans Les structures locales en Grande-Bretagne et en France sous la direction de J. Lagroye and V. Wright (Paris: La Documentation Francaise, 1982): 135-56
Public Administration and Policy Analysis
Farnborough, Hants: Saxon House, 1979. Pp. 122
Social Science Research Council, Central-Local Government Relationships
(London: SSRC, 1979) Committee member and co-author
Research into Central-Local Relations in Britain: a framework for analysis
in Social Science Research Council, Central-Local Government Relationships (London: SSRC, 1979), Appendix A. Pp. 65
Review of C. Cockburn, `The Local State’
(Pluto Press, 1977) and R. Darke and R. Walker, `Local Government and the Public’ (Leonard Hill, 1977) in Urban Studies (16) No. 1 1979: 123-5
Politics and Policy: essays in honour of Norman Chester
Review of D. Butler and A. H Halsey (Eds.) London: Macmillan, 1978 in Political Studies 27 1979: 151-2
A Framework for the Analysis of Local Discretion
Report prepared for the Centro de Investagacion y Technicas Politicas, Madrid, July 1979. Pp. 16
Public Administration Bulletin Nos. 29-31. Pp. 215
Regional Policy and a “Europe of Regions”
in D. Gillingwater and D. A. Hart (Eds.), The Regional Planning Process (Farnborough, Hants: Saxon House, 1978): 46-61. Reprinted from Regional Studies 8 1974: 105-14
Central-Local Relations: the search for positive theory
Report to the SSRC Panel on Central-Local Government Relationships for the Public Administration Committee Working Party on Research into Central-Local Relations, January 1978. Pp. 27
Central-Local Relations and Inter-organisational Analysis
Report to the SSRC Panel on Central-Local Government Research, February 1978. Pp. 49.
77. The Rationality of Ambiguous Confusion: rules, strategies and prizes in British central-local relations
Report to the SSRC Panel on Central-Local Government Relationships, May 1978. Pp. 373
A Model of Central-Local Relations in Britain
paper to: the Policy Studies Conference (Relations Between Central and Local Government), Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham and the Social Science Research Council, 7-9 June 1978; the PSA Local Politics Group, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1 July 1978; and the Annual Conference of the Public Administration Committee, University of York, 4-6 September 1978. Pp. 23
New Trends in Local Government Research
(And M. J. Goldsmith) (Eds.), Special Issue of the Public Administration Bulletin No. 28 December 1978). Pp. 90
(And M. J. Goldsmith) Public Administration Bulletin No. 28 December 1978. Pp. 2-3
Review of W P Grant, `Independent Local Politics in England and Wales’
(Saxon House, 1977) in Local Government Studies 4.(4) 1978: 93-6
Research on the Local Authority Associations
Report to the SSRC Panel on Central-Local Government Relationships, September 1978. Pp. 16
Public Administration Bulletin Nos. 26-28. Pp. 212
The Elusiveness of Power and the Reality of Choices: central-local relations in the Layfield Report
Paper to a Workshop on the Layfield Report, Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham, May 1976. Pp. 14
The participation of sub-national government in the European Community: the cases of local government in Britain and West Germany
(And C. Hull) paper to the ECPR Berlin Joint Sessions: Intergovernmental Policy-making Workshop, Berlin, 27 March – 2 April 1977. Pp. 42
Future Research Into Central-Local Relations
Report to the SSRC Panel on Research into Local Government, April 1977). Pp. 24.
Ordering Urban Change: corporate planning in the government of English cities
paper to the Anglo-French Politics Group Conference on ‘Local Government in Britain and France, Paris 12-13 May 1977. Pp. 42
Training in the Civil Service
(editor and contributor) London: Joint University Council for Social and Public Administration, 1977
in R. A. W. Rhodes (Ed.), Training in the Civil Service (London: Joint University Council for Social and Public Administration): 1-8
Il modello del governo locale in Inghilterra sta cambiando: riforma o rioganizzazione?
Urbanistica 67 September 1977: 8-15
A Rose by Any Other Name: five books in search of policy analysis
Local Government Studies 3 (3) 1977: 71-83. (And C Hull), Intergovernmental Relations in the European Community (Farnborough, Hants: Saxon House, 1977). Pp. 87
Future Research into Centre-Local Relations
paper to the PAC Workshop on Research into Centre-Local Relations, University of Birmingham, 16 November 1977. Pp. 24
Research into Central-Local Relations: the Search for Positive theory
paper to PAC Working Party on Research into Centre-Local Relations, University of Birmingham, December 1977. Pp. 27
Public Administration Bulletin Nos. 23-25. Pp. 207
urrent Developments in the Study of Public Administration in the United States
(Birmingham: Institute of Local Government Studies, Discussion Papers (new series) No. 1 1976). Pp. 128 + ix.
The New Politics of Local Government 1
Local Government Chronicle 30 July 1976: 704-5. Extract from 44
The New Politics of Local Government II
Local Government Chronicle 6 August 1976: 727-9. Extract from 44
The New Politics of Local Government III
Local Government Chronicle 13 August 1976: 752-3. Extract from 44
Current Developments in British Public Administration: some comparisons with America
Paper to the Public Administration Committee Annual Conference, University of York, 6-8 September 1976. Pp. 39
Centre-Local Relations
In Committee of Inquiry into Local Government Finance (Layfield), Appendix 6, The Relationship Between Central and Local Government (London: HMSO 1976): 174-202
Intergovernmental Relations in the European Community: the case of sub-national government
(And C. Hull) Berlin: International Institute of Management, pre-print series 1/76-60, 1976). Pp. 126
Current Developments in British Public Administration: some comparisons with America
Public Administration Bulletin No. 22 December 1976: 54-74. Journal publication of 58
Assessing the Impact of the EEC on Local Government
Public Services and Local Government 7 January 1975: 12-13
Review of Lord Redcliffe-Maud and B. Wood, `English Local Government Reformed’
(Oxford University Press, 1974) in Public Administration 53 Spring 1975: 85-7
The Changing Political Management System of Local Government
Paper to the ECPR London Joint Sessions: European Urbanism, Policy and Planning Workshop, London School of Economics and Political Science, 7-13 April 1975. Pp. 32
Corporate Planning: current developments and problems
Paper to the Teaching and Research in Policy Studies Workshop, Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham, 26-27 April 1975. Pp. 6
Review of H. Cox and D. Morgan, `City Politics and the Press’
(Cambridge University Press, 1973) in Social and Economic Administration 9 (1) 1975: 43-44
Review of D. M. Hill, `Democratic Theory and Local Government’
(Allen & Unwin, 1974) in Public Administration Bulletin No. 18 June 1975: 54
How to Make Policy and Influence People
(And C. Hull) Municipal Review September 1975: 152-3
Crossing the Policy Channel to Europe
(And C. Hull) Municipal Review October 1975: 197-8.
Report on Training for Cumbria County Council
(August 1975). MISSING
The Lost World of British Local Politics?
Local Government Studies 1 (3) 1975: 39-59
The Councillor, Information and Urban Deprivation
Report to the Home Office, July 1975. Pp. 73
Management in the Social and Safety Services
Review of W. D. Reekie and N. C. Hunt (Eds.), (Tavistock 1974) Management Learning 6 (1) 1975: 47-48
Europe, Regionalism and the Kilbrandon Report
paper to the seminar The European Community and the British Machinery of Government, Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham, 4 January 1974. MISSING
(13) ‘Looking Out to Europe’ in Bigger Better Local Government (Joint Supplement of the Municipal Journal and the Municipal Engineer) 29 March 1974: 37-44
Local Government Reform: three questions
Social and Economic Administration (8) 1974: 6-21
A Guide to INLOGOV
The Councillor Spring/Summer, 1974: 10-13
West Germany meets the Challenge
(And W. Paterson), Local Government Chronicle 3 May 1974: 432-34.
The State of Public Administration: an evaluation and a response
Public Administration Bulletin No. 16 June 1974: 27-39.
Joining Up for Europe
Municipal Journal 7 June 1974: 681-84.
Regional Policy and a “Europe of Regions”
Regional Studies 8 1974: 105-14
The Failed Administrative Revolution: Decentralisation, Europe and the New Structure of British Government
Report to the Local Government Training Board, October 1974. Pp. 148.
Review of I. Budge etal, `Political Stratification and Democracy’
(Macmillan, 1972) in Political Studies 21 (1) 1973: 90-91.
Review of W Hallstein, `Europe in the Making’
(Allen & Unwin, 1972) in Local Government Chronicle 5 January 1973: 30.
Review of P Self, `Administrative Theories and Politics’
(Allen & Unwin, 1972) in Local Government Chronicle 12 January 1973: 56.
Review of various books on the European community in Local Government Studies No. 4
February 1973: 69-71
Local Government and European Community (Birmingham: Institute of Local Government Studies, 1973)
Pp. 8 (folio)
Assessing the Effect of Entry
Municipal Review June 1973: 172.
The European Community and British Public Administration: the case of local government
Journal of Common Market Studies 11 1973: 263-75.
”Wilting in Limbo”: Anthony Trollope and the nineteenth century civil service
Public Administration 51 Summer 1973: 207-19.
Local Government Reform: three questions
paper to the Fourth Annual Conference of the Politics Association, Egham, Surrey, 31 August 1973. Pp. 25.
Anaemia in the Extremities and Apoplexy at the Centre: an examination of the European Dimension to the Kilbrandon report
New Europe 2 (2) 1973/74: 61-77
The Politics of Policy
Local Government Chronicle 28 September 1973: 1026-27
Forms of Regional Government and Regional Administration in Europe
paper to the Annual Conference of the Regional Studies Association, Birkbeck College, University of London, 13 October 1973. Pp. 19
The Training Implications for Local Government of British Membership of the European Community
(Report to the Local Government Training Board, October 1973). Pp. 8
Into Europe
Telescope 25 (2) 1973: 44-49. Reprint of 10
Market Daze
(interview with John Ardill) Guardian 17 January 1973: 17
Review of N. H. Brasher, `Studies in British Government’
(Macmillan, 1971) in Local Government Chronicle 24 March 1972: 512.
Review of R. Gregory, `The Price of Amenity’
(Macmillan, 1971) in Local Government Studies No. 2 April 1972: 86-7.
`Europe and the Town Hall I’
Municipal Review July 1972: 136-7.
`Europe and the Town Hall II’
Municipal Review August 1972: 228-9.
A Guide to the Regulations, Directives and Decisions of European Community applicable to Local Government at 31st January 1972
(Birmingham: Institute of Local Government Studies, 1972). Pp. 42.
Into Europe
Local Government Studies No. 3 October 1972: 57-62. Reprinted in Telescope (25) No 2 1973: 44-49.
An Introduction to Organisation Theory – 1: Henri Fayol and the Management Perspective
Telescope 23 (8) 1972: 293-9.
An Introduction to Organisation Theory – II: Max Weber and the Structural Perspective
Telescope 23 (9) 1972: 323-8.
An Introduction to Organisation Theory – III: the Hawthorne Experiments and the Group perspective
Telescope 23 (11) 1972: 429-34.
An Introduction to Organisation Theory – IV: Douglas McGregor and the Individual Perspective
Telescope 23 (12) 1972: 456-63.
An Introduction to Organisation Theory – V: Herbert A Simon and the Decision Making Perspective
Telescope 24 (1) 1972: 33-40.
An Introduction to Organisation Theory – VI: the Tavistock Institute and the Socio-Technical System Perspective
Telescope 24 (2) 1972: 72-81.
Perspectives on Organisations: an introduction to organisation theory
(London: Joint Committee of Students’ Societies of the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants, 1972). Pp. 47.