Archive for August, 2010

Political Studies 60th anniversary virtual issue

My article entitled ‘The New Governance: governing without Government’ Political Studies (44) 1996: 652-67 was included in this virtual issue of Political Studies. My article was one of the two top voted articles for the 1990s.  The editors’ write that this virtual issue was compiled to honour the 60th Anniversary of the Political Studies Association of the UK . It showcases some of the ‘best’ articles published since the launch ofPolitical Studies in 1953. The process for compiling this issue has covered many stages, beginning when the Editorial Board asked as many (former) Chairs of the PSA as possible to select the articles that they personally considered to be the most significant from the Political Studies archive. The list was then sorted by decade and an e-mail survey was conducted with all current PSA members, asking them to vote for the best articles in each decade. The results showed that in each of the six decades there were two articles that clearly ranked above the others. The Editorial Board therefore took the decision to make the issue a compendium of the twelve ‘Top Voted’ articles between 1953 and 2010, and these are the articles which are on-line on the PSA web site @: